Aeria Ultimate stem on Canyon CF

Hi guys,
Below is a photo of my Speedmax with Aeria Hydration + Aeria Stem. Everything fits perfectly but I have the Top Cap from the Specialized set, from Aeria Stem it did not fit as it should :slight_smile: Thanks for the valuable tips I was guided by when choosing :slight_smile:

Regards :slight_smile:


What was the reasoning for dropping the stem? You seem to have plenty of pad space with the stem at the oem height

If you can, it’s almost always faster to slam the basebar and add stack with risers. Usually waaaaay easier to adjust stack that way. A lower basebar position also drops your center of gravity and will let you corner better as well.

Does your bike have a carbon steerer tube? If so, does the expander plug actually go all the way down to where the stem is clamped? If not, you need to trim the steerer tube at least until it does. Probably should trim it regardless since you’re able to adjust stack via risers

If you can, it’s almost always faster to slam the basebar and add stack with risers. Usually waaaaay easier to adjust stack that way. A lower basebar position also drops your center of gravity and will let you corner better as well.

With my fit I am using the subsonic bracket and 1 5mm(prefer 0) so that I can rotate the pads to 25 degrees. My pads are also as far forward as they can go with the 100mm stem. I’d love to take the stem down 2 cm but I figure the trade off of a slimmer bento or not cutting the steerer tube wasn’t worth it.

What was the reasoning for dropping the stem? You seem to have plenty of pad space with the stem at the oem height

The main reason for lowering the stem was to get a more aggressive position during the fitting. I was expecting pad spacers to be insufficient. During the fitting, however, I was surprised because we managed to pull the goal (head and back in one line) without lowering my body significantly. However, I didn’t lift the stem any higher after fitting because I like to keep my hands (especially on the home trainer while resting) where the red arrows in the picture, I have a place now. The second reason is the bike looks better :wink: Fitting results in the photo :slight_smile:


Oh so the issue is that you’re using the Canyon cap. The Aeria cap fully covers the steerer tube. Why not use the Aeria cap with a washer and that M4 screw?

Good suggestion.
Actually, I was trying to use the Aeria cap.
But reading your comment, I guess the issue is me just being too picky and expecting profile design to provide accessories for a perfect engineering fit ; )
As per your suggestion, I will use the M4 screw from Canyon for the time being before I machine a custom one .

Aeria cap with M4 screw.

The Aeria cap fully covers the steerer tube.

I am still concerned about water being able to find its way into the headset tube though.(see blue arrow on the pic). I live in tropical climate. Combined with both the proximity of sea and the high mineral/salt content of local well water used for rinsing bikes , this makes it a very hard on equipment and favors corrosion.

I don’t feel like removing the Aeria cap every time it rains or I wash my bike to dry the inside of the headset tube. Guess I will have to 3D print a small plastic cap to close the top of the steerer tube (blue arrow on the picture).
I also make a custom M6 head/M4 thread screw. Very traumatizing for me to use an M4 head in a M6 countersunk hole ; )) In our workshop, we avoid to do this in the outdoor equipment we manufacture as using undersized screw in countersunk hole creates a little puddle/space for water to sit on top of the head of the screw and exacerbate the corrosion issue.

Seems some suppliers on Aliexpress are actually providing Aeria kit with “head expender” (not sure how to call this) that would address the issue of closing the steerer tube. Did not see such option available on the Profile design website.

How did you resolve this? Did you end up making the custom head/thread screw? Did you 3D print a steerer tube cap? Would you mind sharing?
I have a CF 8 (eTap, same brake cable positions), Aeria stems (70 & 100) and the hydration unit arriving Tuesday.
I’d like to have this sorted ahead of an upcoming fit in two weeks a couple hours away and determine stem length at that time.

you can use a regular flat stem cap

Dealing with the stock spacer before changing stems. Did you just cut the alignment tab? I’m trying to switch to the PD 1/seventeen stem, and it looks like I’ll need to cut off the circle that sticks up from the stock spacer as well as that short tab that lines up with Canyon’s stem so that the PD stem will fit.

Anyone done this? Good idea/bad idea? Should I just buy a different spacer?


Dealing with the stock spacer before changing stems. Did you just cut the alignment tab? I’m trying to switch to the PD 1/seventeen stem, and it looks like I’ll need to cut off the circle that sticks up from the stock spacer as well as that short tab that lines up with Canyon’s stem so that the PD stem will fit.

Anyone done this? Good idea/bad idea? Should I just buy a different spacer?


Yeah, no problem in cutting it. its no big deal. Dremel might be easier than cutting.

Hi guys! I have the new Speedmax CF 8.0 Di2 DISC that has a different geometry than the rim brake one. Have been looking for a way to use the Aeria Hydration on it but haven’t found other info than the one that involves in changing the stem to the Profile Design one that won’t look good a all.

As a layman, I’m thinking that a face plate, much like the Profile Design HSF 1/17 one, would be a way to go. Unfortunately that face plate doesn’t match the Canyon v21 stem according to Profile Design. Canyon does however make a v21 in 90 mm that will be large enough to fit the hydration system.

So I was wondering if there’s anyone out there who might be willing to create a CAD model of a face plate that on one side is like the PD HSF for mounting the Aeria hydration system and on the inner side, having the holes that matches the Canyon v21 stem.

I know that 3d-printing in aluminum isn’t cheap and I’m too much of a novice to know if that print would meet all the requisites needed for it to be safe to use but I’m sure there are someone out there who might know or at least, point me in the direction of someone who might know.

I’m sure there are many of us who would find such and adapter very useful and I for one, am willing to pay for that. :slight_smile: I live in Sweden in case there’s someone close enough willing to see the parts personally.

Apparently it fits without issue??

Wooooow! You really made my day! I’ve b een in contact with Profile Design previously and they assured me that the adapter wouldn’t fit. Now it seems it works perfectly! Thank you so much for taking the time to post. Awesome!

Apparently it fits without issue??

It fits, but that doesn’t mean you should do it. Product Warning

The bolt spacing matches but the bar wraparound is not the same. The configuration has not been safety tested and is specifically recommended against

Also, 3D printed aluminium or even a custom cnc part would be a bad idea.
A lot of testing goes into the parts that hit the market

FYI, I’m the product design consultant for PD that came up with the HSF faceplate (among other things). It’s a simple product but there is a lot behind it

Thank you for responding! Any thoughts on the stem’s fitment with the CF8 requiring irreversible changes to the bike (cutting) and the other fitment issues mentioned? I’d love to be using this system, and have had issues with a few of the other PD products available.

Well that made my day, being the day I didn’t crash on the bike, hahaha. I knew it was too good to be true. Thanks! What i just can’t understand is why they (Canyon or PD) come up with a functional adapter. It would sell like ice cream on a sunny day and be in both companies interest. They had some similar system om the SLX rim brake version but nothing on the new one and I can’t understand for the life of me why they decided to just not offer a valid solution. The stem on the old SLX is not the same on the CF disc one so getting the old stem is to get the canyon hydration system is not even an option.

As of now I’m using the PD FC 35 and it looks terrible. Even worse is that it takes for ever to get that thing on and off.

What i just can’t understand is why they (Canyon or PD) come up with a functional adapter. It would sell like ice cream on a sunny day and be in both companies interest. .

We’ve been discussing that since long before the bike was released. The problem is that the nosecone on the frame means that a specific faceplate would only be viable for the longer Canyon stems. So it wouldn’t be a universal solution and we don’t want to be sizist.

The topic comes up every week because of the frequency of enquiries and the volume Canyon is selling. But with the lead time on new alloy production - by the time we got anything new to market the Canyon set up will likely change. Feel a bit painted into a corner on this.

Thank you for responding! Any thoughts on the stem’s fitment with the CF8 requiring irreversible changes to the bike (cutting) and the other fitment issues mentioned? I’d love to be using this system, and have had issues with a few of the other PD products available.

I’ve not tried to fit either the 1/seventeen or AU stems to the CF (rim or disc). If I were to do it - I’d just go with the 1/seventeen stem (unless you need the drop of the AU) as you can’t take advantage of the internal routing with the Canyon bar anyway. Neither PD stem matches the design language of the Bento so you’re relying on the bottle to hide the stem in both cases. 1/seventeen is much lighter and cheaper than AU.

What issues have you had with PD products?

Actually the stem lenght of size S and M is the same - 80 mm. The guy on the video has a size M so that means that an adapter plate would work on all but the XS model. Besides, Canyon just launched this model so the frame will most likely be around for at least two more generations. I can’t understand why - and yes I am a layman - a thing as simple as making those small adjustments needed could be done? I mean, many want this to work and if you hadn’t posted the warning I would’ve order the HSF faceplate within a few minutes. if a lot of people do that without knowing, accidents might happen and that wouldn’t only be bad for the poor person faceplanting on the tarmac but a hard blow to the company brand.

PD and Canyon have worked together closely for years. How come this is a tough nut to crack?

Cyclenutnz, are you in any way affiliated with Canyon or PD or have an insight there on the matter?

EDIT: Sorry the refesh rate is a bit slow. Just read that you’ve been working with the HSF face plate. :slight_smile: Thanks for taking the time to answer the queries regarding this. So no that you have a hands on experience, do you have any suggestion to find a solution? Would it really be that impossible to expect a variation of the faceplate that fits the v21?