*** 2019 Tour de France Thread (SPOILERS)***

Sagan is often on his own when there’s no action. And Nibali. That teams completely stick together for 200k is sort of laughable.

Sagan, Matthews and Colbrelli today? Looks like Bora and Sunweb are controlling break

If I did that, OK. But this is a highly paid professional with many years and plenty of grand tour experience making a rookie mistake. Sorry, no sympathy.

Like trying to put on a rain jacket - at speed - on a TT bike while on a course recon, and running into a house?

‘Dude, the clock’s not running; take a break & stop for that’

As is the latest story about how Froome crashed, vs the original “reached up to blow his nose while in a tuck, and the wind got him”

Well, I didn’t say that CF was blameless in his recent crash. And, sure, sometimes sh!t just happens. But TJVG was finally in a position, seemingly, to have a successful TdF. It also seems to me that a successful TdF this year is really important to TJVG’s career. I guess that, with so much on the line and enough experience to know how to stay out of trouble, his crash is disappointing. AFAIK, no other rider, including 1st time GT riders and others with far less gravitas, whacked themselves on that obstacle…

If I did that, OK. But this is a highly paid professional with many years and plenty of grand tour experience making a rookie mistake. Sorry, no sympathy.

Like trying to put on a rain jacket - at speed - on a TT bike while on a course recon, and running into a house?

‘Dude, the clock’s not running; take a break & stop for that’

As is the latest story about how Froome crashed, vs the original “reached up to blow his nose while in a tuck, and the wind got him”

That putting on the rain jacket move, I don’t know how many times I have done it with no clock running while in motion on the TT bike and every time I do it I swear, “This is so stupid, I should just stop get off and put the silly rain jacket on”…but every time I go out of the next ride and the rain starts, I repeat this totally high risk move (your arms trapped in a jacket that is partially on while riding no hands on a TT bike and hitting a crack, rock, or wind gust). Part of the theory is to be able to practice puttting on and off clothing while in motion in training so that when you do it in racing, its automatic and you’ve reduced the risk of doing it in racing by making it automatic in training and for these guys its pretty second nature as they are doing it many times in each stage race albeit on a road bike.

I’m disappointed that we’re not seeing Froome and Dumoulin. I’ll probably spend most of the weekend watching Serena and Federer when I am not training since the rest of this TdF so far is mainly a GC snoozer (as we would expect in week1…Giro and Vuelta are way more fun in week 1). I wish they would mix up the format and maybe have a few mountain stages right at stage 2 and 3 when everyone has some fresh leg firepower…then do a bunch of flat and rolling stages and “saw teeth stages” in the Vosges/Jura/Massif Central…throw in a Ventoux stage and TT week 2 and then pack a ton of mountain stages every day in the final week. (oh wait, that’s more like we get in the Giro with stuff like Etna early in week 1 and then Dolomites/Alpes in week 3).

there are very close to zero race situations where one puts on a rain cape while riding a tt bike.

As is the latest story about how Froome crashed, vs the original “reached up to blow his nose while in a tuck, and the wind got him”

Wait, what is the latest story?

But TJVG was finally in a position, seemingly, to have a successful TdF.

After giving up 8 minutes the day before? (clearly not by choice or plan)

I’m sitting on a plane and can’t get live video. This is weekend hardship.

Fair points. Let me specify my comment though; Woods and Uran rode well. I will agree that over the past few years it seems like their team is scattered across the peloton.

They’re doing well now. Student body to the front. I’d guess trying to keep Sagan and Matthews in trouble, and maybe set something up for Bettiol or Clarke.

Edit: And just when I try to support EF, Woods stacks up the entire plastics posse.

:08 time bonus at top of final climb, Alaphilippe is down :06.

Pinarello broken in two pices ~15km to go,… sad sight.

Pinarello broken in two pices ~15km to go,… sad sight.

Kind of weird…didn’t seem like a high energy crash.

How has to you think Alaphilippe wants this one? Only :01 out of yellow now.

Pinot on attack will help Sagan and Matthews, GC guys can’t let that go.

This is just good bike racing. DeGendt being an absolute hardman. The French hopes taking risks and working together.

De Gendt is a badass, Wellens too. Bare knuckle brawler bike racers.

De Gendt is a badass, Wellens too. Bare knuckle brawler bike racers.
they are old school bad asses. anyone remember their trip from Lombardy back to Belgium by bike last fall?

i wanted to catch a bit of the stage (suppose to end ~11:30 EDT), so i woke up ~10:30, only to find the stage finished. Then i remembered that i’m on central time now. grr

at least this is on Eurosport on demand

Or stage 1 of Catalunya this March. Different class in the peloton of course, but he is a monster.

Looking at top 10, still shaping up for an exciting run over next two weeks for the 2nd/3rd podium spots.

The “final breakaway” or something like that. Love seeing that stuff, shows how much they simply like to ride their bikes.

Thought you might have abandon this thread, welcome back.

Not sure Ineos has it wrapped up just yet, Pinot is looking quite game. He can TT and Thomas’ luck may run out if he keeps throwing himself on ground. Wouldn’t be surprise for haymakers from GC guys down time, to test how Ineos is feeling.