Triathletes and No-Alcohol January 2019 - A restart

I’m a microbiologist. And a homebrewer. Science can be pretty damn tasty and awesome. ::shrug::

I’m tried multiple beers over the years with friends insisting that “you’ll like this one, it’s a great beer to get you hooked.” I’ve always felt every one tasted exactly like I’d expect yeast piss to taste, which is gross.

But I get it, different folks different strokes. Most of them don’t get how I enjoy going for 20 mile runs or climbing up the side of a mountain. And if I got them to try it they’d probably hate it

Some of the guys i work with spend the whole lunch break talking about what limited edition microbrew they got and where they got it and proceed on about where it ranks in their favorite beers and how excited they are to go home and have a drink one.

That sounds a lot like how we drone on about training strategies, disc brakes, doping and rolling resistance.

Possibly. The difference is about 20% body fat though

I totally agree with you in that my preference is triathlon over beer. But we’re in the minority on that. I disagree with being condescending about their hobby, particularly when there are clearly more people that are hobby drinkers than hobby triathloners.

I think this month-long exercise is one of discipline and self-reflection. I don’t think it’s a matter of “look at me! I’m not drinking!”. Maybe it brings about health changes, maybe some other realizations that weren’t previously discovered, and maybe some clarity in other goals in life. It’s not just about the booze. It’s about sacrificing a luxury, or maybe a crutch, or a habit for 31 days to see what happens when you do.

Have you tried making a dry cider? They’re currently one of my favorite home brew recipes. And I’m typically an IPA snob.
Sorry OP. Just a temporary hijack.

I think this month-long exercise is one of discipline and self-reflection. I don’t think it’s a matter of “look at me! I’m not drinking!”. Maybe it brings about health changes, maybe some other realizations that weren’t previously discovered, and maybe some clarity in other goals in life. It’s not just about the booze. It’s about sacrificing a luxury, or maybe a crutch, or a habit for 31 days to see what happens when you do.

Have you tried making a dry cider? They’re currently one of my favorite home brew recipes. And I’m typically an IPA snob.
Sorry OP. Just a temporary hijack.
I have a champagne-yeast dry cider called Deer Beer made from local orchard cider. It’s always on tap on the keezer in the fall.

Also, DFH is coming out with Raison D’Extra this month. The OG Raison D’etre is one of my favorite beers. I’m going to get a crowler and stare at it until February.

I’m in 100%!

In again.

I had my first beer in over 5 weeks last night, just one double IPA. It was not a deliberate decision to abstain from drinking, just the family was sick, started the 100/100, and before I knew it, 5 weeks blew past. Guess that means I dont have a problem. So I will join the challenge, but I’m going to allow myself to fall 2 or 3 times during the monthif I feel like it. But just one beer each time. I find it easier to accomplish goals if I dont put too much pressure on myself, thus my eventual goal of 60% of the 100/100’s…

I never understood folks that set lofty, nearly unachievable goals, they just set themselves up for disappointment. I always liked to have 3 goal plans in place, the first one pretty much a slam dunk, 2nd one more so, and the 3rd one which all my friends liked to have as their #1…I was almost never disappointed…

And 2nd the lets be kinder and gentler to each other this year…

I don’t see the point of this puritanical nonsense. Off to crack a nice stout.

One day down, 3% complete!

Today I was tired from wake up to being horizontal in bed. I’ve been fighting a bad cold but trying to still power through my workouts. Today was a rest day so that helped, drinking bubbly to ring in the new year last night did not. Tomorrow is back to rise and grind.

With my sunny vacation ending today, I couldn’t help myself. I’ll be starting tomorrow for a full month - and possibly more.

I’ve been contemplating changing my goal from a month to -20 lbs.

I’m in, first time. Casual drinker who does like Margaritas.

Slow, Old Guy

Also, DFH is coming out with Raison D’Extra this month. The OG Raison D’etre is one of my favorite beers. I’m going to get a crowler and stare at it until February.

Holy Smokes this is great news! Raison D’Etre was the best. I miss it so much and have been trying to find a replacement for years.

I had my first beer in over 5 weeks last night, just one double IPA. It was not a deliberate decision to abstain from drinking, just the family was sick, started the 100/100, and before I knew it, 5 weeks blew past. Guess that means I dont have a problem. So I will join the challenge, but I’m going to allow myself to fall 2 or 3 times during the monthif I feel like it. But just one beer each time. I find it easier to accomplish goals if I dont put too much pressure on myself, thus my eventual goal of 60% of the 100/100’s…

I never understood folks that set lofty, nearly unachievable goals, they just set themselves up for disappointment. I always liked to have 3 goal plans in place, the first one pretty much a slam dunk, 2nd one more so, and the 3rd one which all my friends liked to have as their #1…I was almost never disappointed…

And 2nd the lets be kinder and gentler to each other this year…

This is such a great way of taking on these types of challenges! It’s all about trying for improvement in ourselves and the accountability helps, but can also hurt. I felt like I ‘failed’ when I confessed that I had wine with friends last year in late January. I was thinking about it again recently when I saw this thread pop up and thought, ‘I’d still have been gold star with 90%’ in a ST100in100 type challenge.

Alcohol education is an important topic and taking a look in the mirror is often enlightening. As the most common legal drug, we should be a bit more aware of all of the interactions and effects.

I’m in…again.

Alcohol education is an important topic and taking a look in the mirror is often enlightening. As the most common legal drug, we should be a bit more aware of all of the interactions and effects.

Dale, thanks for the reminder that alcohol is a drug. It’s a drug that many abuse and many become physically and mentally addicted to. This past October a man drank at a golfing event, got into his car drunk, and plowed into our local Boy Scout troop. The troop were well off the side of the road and dressed in bright clothing. One of the boys was my daughter’s good friend who lost his life at the age of 12.

We should really encourage people not use alcohol altogether. Don’t believe the pure bullshit that a glass of wine a day is good for you. It’s 100% a drug and it’s 100% poison. Drink a cup of chamomile tea if you really want have “a drink” to relax.

I quit all alcohol exactly 11 years ago and my life and training/physical health benefited significantly!

Giving my first Drynuary a shot (no pun intended).

For those questioning why this would be a group thing or whether it’s puritanism run amok…It can be easy to fall into a habit of daily or near daily drinking that can sometimes reach binge levels. A glass of wine becomes two and then five. Anyone who has developed this habit can recognize the desire (craving is a bit much to describe it) for a drink as the appointed tippling time nears. It’s not unlike that need for a cup of coffee in the morning. This challenge provides a supportive environment for a healthy reset. My sister is a recovering alcoholic. My 50yo cousin recently died from complications related to alcoholism (no one knew or was willfully blind). For people with a family history like mine, it’s good to take a break and have some reflection. I’m also looking forward to reducing the size of my spare tire.

I agree, and thus part of the logic of even coming up with this event. For some of us, just getting to the second day, today, may have been a little more effort-filled than first thought. If you’re in this subgroup we applaud you, we support you, we encourage you. Nice work. As was pointed out above, you’re already over 4% done. Woot, woot!

Keep up the good work gang.


In, but with a carve out for one evening (Jan 19th) I’d like to drink during. I do really enjoy beer and wine so this challenge will be a bit harder for me than the other very light drinkers. Good luck to all!

What’s January 19th?

I’m in starting today!

Well I may as well m declare myself in.

Long day at work and strong temptation to slump on the sofa with a beer resisted.

Two days now done.

Just need more runs for 100/100 challenge, only done 3.