ST Rise&Grind

It was like one, should have stayed in the pack. I know how it works. More Red Bull next time :wink:

i’m going to have backups for all these groups. we’re in a strange place now. our usual 80ish tuesday structured training ride had 150 this week. all our events are increasing every week, with more new events planned. i’ve brought on a few people to help with the management of these events. and, we have a big new Zwift offer going out today, to those on our mailing list.

so, getting there. slow but sure.

No B leader today, the perils of only having 1 leader I suppose, so most of us B-riders rode with the A group. Matt (TriIowaCPA) tried to kill us, but it was a good ride. Thanks Matt!

Though, maybe next time, less of the 6w/kg intervals off the front :wink:

You guys rode strong today! I couldn’t break you all if I tried! Fun group and a great workout. I like the “no plan” group ride. Next week I’m going to need to burn some serious calories ahead of Thanksgiving festivities, so maybe I’ll adjust my Zwift weight to not damage the pack dynamic haha.

Sorry all - I’ve been the C group ride leader. I worked really late last night and felt like death this AM. I got up at 5 to try to make a go, but I felt awful. My sincerest apologies, I felt awful to not be there. I’ll be 100% and ready to go next Thursday for those of you looking to get in a solid ride before the US Thanksgiving day festivities begin! We will earn the turkey!

Winter is here

D group went off a little hot but it was kind of fun when 4 of us joined up and tried to close the gap. So far things have seemed to go smoother each week.

I’ll be on next week with either the A or B groups. We lost power overnight last night and the generator was low on fuel…

Is there any interest on setting this ride so that you can only see group riders? I had some chain issues this morning, so I had to bail early, but it was somewhat difficult to keep track where everyone was with all the ‘normal’ universe riders visible on the course. Most group rides limit visibility, and I feel it really makes it easier to keep track of where everyone is. Just my 2 cents.

I jumped into the ride for the first 30 minutes to finish of my morning ride. I wish it started at 5 am or earlier, as I generally need to be done by 6 am to get the kids ready and off to work. Anyone else wish this ride could start earlier?

I do. I also need to be done by 6ish. Starts too late for me.

I jumped into the ride for the first 30 minutes to finish of my morning ride. I wish it started at 5 am or earlier, as I generally need to be done by 6 am to get the kids ready and off to work. Anyone else wish this ride could start earlier?

if you can get 50 or 100 so people who want a 5am ride, we’ll stick one on the schedule. we have 4 more weekdays to choose from. we have plenty of available ride leaders. i’m happy to help you aggregate the people, either via polling or direct email or both.

Is there any interest on setting this ride so that you can only see group riders? I had some chain issues this morning, so I had to bail early, but it was somewhat difficult to keep track where everyone was with all the ‘normal’ universe riders visible on the course. Most group rides limit visibility, and I feel it really makes it easier to keep track of where everyone is. Just my 2 cents.

questions and comments:

  1. what you’re talking about is “culling”. it’s generally frowned upon. there’s got to be a compelling reason.
  2. is everyone wearing the ST jersey in this ride on this ride? i don’t know. what i’m asking is, does the ride convert your jersey to an ST jersey, automatically, for the duration of the ride?
  3. what are you using to run The Game? iOS, windows, etc.?
  1. I’ve never set up an event, but pretty much every group ride I do only let’s you see other group riders. (to be clear I’m not talking about B riders only seeing B riders, but you can only see members of that ride regardless of group). In fact I’m so used to this that it struct me immediately after leaving the start pens that I could see the whole universe.

  2. It does put us all in slowtwitch jerseys, which helps, but there is still so many people on course that it’s still difficult.

  3. Windows and iOS, though Windows primarily for cycling.

I would be all for a 5am start as well.

In other news, I don’t think the D leaders have shown up the last two weeks. Been fun sweeping but if we had some leaders to control the pace at first it might minimize the need to sweep as many.

  1. I’ve never set up an event, but pretty much every group ride I do only let’s you see other group riders. (to be clear I’m not talking about B riders only seeing B riders, but you can only see members of that ride regardless of group). In fact I’m so used to this that it struct me immediately after leaving the start pens that I could see the whole universe.

we’ve had our tuesday structured training set up both ways. the sense i get from zwift is they prefer not to have either “culling”, which is what we’re talking about, or “invisibility”, which is that other riders (not in the ride) don’t see you. right now we’ve been given a lot of leeway by zwift.

  1. It does put us all in slowtwitch jerseys, which helps, but there is still so many people on course that it’s still difficult.

i ride these rides every week. i have no problem knowing where the other riders are. they’re in ST jerseys. i see them in front or behind, from the sidebar on the right showing riders in the vicinity. however, i hear you. this isn’t the first time i’ve gotten this request. i’ll continue to visit this up the chain.

we’re in the eye of something right now; things can either be hard or easy with what we want to do on zwift and right now they’re easy. i want it to remain that way. so, i’ll try to balance everybody’s imperatives as well i can.

I wonder if I’m mixing things up, because what I’m talking about is very common. Like, I can’t remember the last group ride/race/fondo I’ve done were this hasn’t been the case. (with the exception of this ride of course)

That being said, it’s definitely not a deal breaker, just more of a nice to have.

Also, to the 5am people, I’m good with anytime between 4:45 and 5:45 am.

I wonder if I’m mixing things up, because what I’m talking about is very common. Like, I can’t remember the last group ride/race/fondo I’ve done were this hasn’t been the case. (with the exception of this ride of course)

That being said, it’s definitely not a deal breaker, just more of a nice to have.

Also, to the 5am people, I’m good with anytime between 4:45 and 5:45 am.

i’m going to query folks on this, but, let’s say the majority want to go at 5:30am. would you be more inclined to take part if we just put up another ride on another day? say, wednesday, 5am EST?

If your are asking me, Thursday at the current time is perfect for me. I’m just saying that I’m ok with earlier if that’s what the majority want. In terms of other days, my window to start an event is 4:45-5:45am Mon-Fri. Currently I have a race series I do on Wednesdays (it has 2months left) and a reoccurring group ride on Fridays. Then the Rise&Grind on Thursdays. Alot of this is subject to change as events change and if I’m building for a tri or not. But for the next couple months, I’m planning on the above schedule.

If you added a Mon or Tues ride, depending on the structure, I’d probably consider doing it as well.

Possible to move to D group leader? Our assigned leaders have been MIA for the last month.

Possible to move to D group leader? Our assigned leaders have been MIA for the last month.

are you asking for you to be the D group leader? that’s fine with me if there’s no leaders. let me know.