Athlete tracking for Placid

Am I missing something, I can’t see what place anyone is unless they are in the top 10?

I know Ironman isn’t a race, but it would be nice to know

Final rankings yes once they cross, let me check RTRT if this could be added for everyrone or extend leaderboard to more.


I modified the leaderboard to show top 50, that should help.

That is a lot better. You guys rock!

Of course the athlete I am following who I thought would be close to top ten is in 12th so now it is much easier to compare to everyone.

Thanks for that…

We have not pushed to Sportstats because its working amazing on the new system.

Make sure you go to the tracker and see the new tracker system.

On a phone simply download the app called ironman track by dilltree. Right now 82% are on mobile.

It may work well on the phone, but the desktop version needs some serious work.

Whats missing? Its a tracker providing you location, estimated time at next mat, at finish, top 50 leaders in each category. You can add unlimited people on the tracker. Today its pretty much been instant on the leaderboard, (within 5 seconds of a timing mat. Lets us know what is missing.

When I’m on the app on my phone, I can’t see what place an athlete is in when I’m using the tracker and looking at their splits. Is there s way to see that? For example, what place were they when they finished the swim, the bike, etc.

Whats missing? Its a tracker providing you location, estimated time at next mat, at finish, top 50 leaders in each category. You can add unlimited people on the tracker. Today its pretty much been instant on the leaderboard, (within 5 seconds of a timing mat. Lets us know what is missing.

Since everyone is always so quick to point out how BAD IM tracking usually is I just want to say I’m very impressed with how GOOD it’s been for me all day–both on phone and computer!!! Well done and nice job being responsive to changing leaderboard from top 10 to 50!

Happy to see that we can get placemat changes at each mat. Also like the “overall” placement for each AG gender.

So something like this:

Whats missing? Its a tracker providing you location, estimated time at next mat, at finish, top 50 leaders in each category. You can add unlimited people on the tracker. Today its pretty much been instant on the leaderboard, (within 5 seconds of a timing mat. Lets us know what is missing.

All of the key information that users would want is there and that’s great. It really is a big improvement. My complaint is related to the user interface (see pic below). A mobile version of the tracker is sandwiched into the page even though it is a desktop browser and there’s no need for that. The tracker should detect when someone is on a desktop and serve up a UI that is not designed for fat fingers. There’s tons of wasted real estate.

Also, another weird UI issue is that the leader board for an age group refreshes every couple of seconds and sends the user to the final standings even if an earlier timing mat is the current view. For example, if I view W40-44 and click to go to the 12.5 mile timing mat, the page will refresh and display the standings at the 20.4 mat (I assume that is where the leader is right now). Please don’t make it do that. Don’t hijack the UI from the end user. If the user selects a time split to look at, leave it there.

There is a desktop version, we are looking into this with Ironman to see if it could be accessed from the browser.

For the longest time, i couldn’t access it via FireFox. It asked the question, “Are you an athlete racing” or something like that, with a yes/no button. I tried clicking no, then yes and it does nothing. I gave up and went to IE and it works just fine. Safari on my iPhone works fine, but not the desktop FireFox.

Also, in prior years, it showed the athlete’s AG placement during the race, but it no longer does that. It may do that for the pro, but the vast majority of people tracking are those tracking their AG athlete.

Loving the new App!!!
Age group ranking throughout the race is needed. It would be really helpful when tracking someone trying to Kona quality. Hope this will be available for now on. Especially next weekend at IMC.

Just so I’m know I’m not missing something, so currently there is no way on the desktop version to see where age groupers are placed (aside from the very top ag’ers)?

Two things I would ask:

  1. Add a quick link back to IRONMAN.COM.
  2. Fix that refresh thing that takes leaderboard back to the latest fastest racer in the division as mentioned by a previous poster.
    Thanks, I’m actually starting to get used to it, and I might like it. Maybe.

I’m not getting much of anything on the desktop.

For being so big there site sucks!!!
They really need to get shit running better.

What browser are you using? If you are note using the app try the following link: