Ironman 70.3 Finland (Lahti)

New race for 2018: Ironman 70.3 Finland (Lahti.) Saturday June 30th, 2018. 16:00 (4 PM) start. “Finish under the Midnight Sun”. :slight_smile:
1500 participants, 50 slots to worlds (@ South Africa?) Reg opens Monday June 19th at 14:00 EEST. 220 € reg fee.
Licensed race; organized by Finntriathlon. Official site here.

I’ll be there. Almost riding distance from my place.

Same place as Finlandia Hihto XC ski races? Would love to go!!!

Same place as Finlandia Hiihto XC ski races? Would love to go!!!

Yep, the same city.

This will be so cool!!
(And also warm… its mid summer… :slight_smile: )

I was pretty stoked to see this! If my wife can travel at that time (work) I will definitely sign up - good opportunity to look up some relatives too. If not, then IM France or Canada are in my crosshairs.

New race for 2018: Ironman 70.3 Lahti (Finland.) Saturday June 30th, 2018. 16:00 (4 PM) start. “Finish under the Midnight Sun”. :slight_smile:
1500 participants, 50 slots to worlds (@ South Africa?) Reg opens Monday June 19th. 220 € reg fee.
Licensed race; organized by Finntriathlon. Official site here.

Oh man, that’s my kind of race!

New race for 2018: Ironman 70.3 Lahti (Finland.) Saturday June 30th, 2018. 16:00 (4 PM) start. “Finish under the Midnight Sun”. :slight_smile:
1500 participants, 50 slots to worlds (@ South Africa?) Reg opens Monday June 19th. 220 € reg fee.
Licensed race; organized by Finntriathlon. Official site here.

Oh man, that’s my kind of race!

I’m thinking about this one too.

An afternoon start is something I can really enjoy.

Is it feasible to stay in Helsinki? With the late start seems like it would be ok, or would this be too much of a hike?

Is it feasible to stay in Helsinki? With the late start seems like it would be ok, or would this be too much of a hike?

It’s a bit more than one hour drive from Helsinki. So I guess ok if you you have a car.

Why would I be in Finland without a car?

I’ll be there. Almost riding distance from my place.

Sounds like you’re a Finn, or at least in the area. Can you recommend anywhere to rent a racing bike (doesn’t need to be a tri-bike)?
I quite fancy using Lahti as a starting place for a week or two around the Baltics, but would rather not bring my bike all around with me.

New race for 2018: Ironman 70.3 Lahti (Finland.) Saturday June 30th, 2018. 16:00 (4 PM) start. “Finish under the Midnight Sun”. :slight_smile:
1500 participants, 50 slots to worlds (@ South Africa?) Reg opens Monday June 19th. 220 € reg fee.
Licensed race; organized by Finntriathlon. Official site here.

Oh man, that’s my kind of race!

I’m thinking about this one too.

An afternoon start is something I can really enjoy.

Bonus 4 pm start is like a sleep in to 8 am with a 10 am Eastern Time start…in other words, none of the usual jetlag associated with doing a Euro race going from North America and effectively having to do the entire race in your REM sleep period (if you had to travel there later)!!! I have written off 2017 for racing (it’s another rehab year) so hoping for 2018!!! This looks super interesting…my only trip to Finland was 1 day in and out of Nokia with a morning run in Helsinki :frowning:

Afternoon start is a game changer for me! Wish I could make the trip.

Challenge has a 70.3 in Iceland, and except for the water temp I wonder if it’s at all similar. Both are beautiful countries well worth visiting.

Reg opens Monday June 19th at 14:00 EEST$ for TZ in Australia/Sydney Asia/Tokyo Asia/Shanghai Asia/Kolkata Europe/Moscow Europe/Helsinki Europe/London UTC America/Sao_Paulo America/New_York America/Los_Angeles Pacific/Honolulu ; do printf “%20s %s\n” ${TZ} “$( TZ=${TZ} date -r 1497870000 ‘+%H:%M %Z’ )”; done
Australia/Sydney 21:00 AEST
Asia/Tokyo 20:00 JST
Asia/Shanghai 19:00 CST
Asia/Kolkata 16:30 IST
Europe/Moscow 14:00 MSK
Europe/Helsinki 14:00 EEST
Europe/London 12:00 BST
UTC 11:00 UTC
America/Sao_Paulo 08:00 BRT
America/New_York 07:00 EDT
America/Los_Angeles 04:00 PDT
Pacific/Honolulu 01:00 HST

Is it feasible to stay in Helsinki? With the late start seems like it would be ok, or would this be too much of a hike?

No problem, it’s only a 50min train ride from the center of Helsinki and 2.5km (1.5miles) from the Lahti railway station to the swim start. Trains for Lahti every hour:

Temperatures that time of the year probably between 15 and 25C and yes, the afternoon start is perfect. Sunrise at 4am and sunset at 11pm, with plenty of light an hour before/after.

Can you recommend anywhere to rent a racing bike (doesn’t need to be a tri-bike)?

These guys seems to be at a lot of the local tri races, I’d assume they’ll rent you a bike.

Is it feasible to stay in Helsinki? With the late start seems like it would be ok, or would this be too much of a hike?

No problem, it’s only a 50min train ride from the center of Helsinki and 2.5km (1.5miles) from the Lahti railway station to the swim start. Trains for Lahti every hour:

Temperatures that time of the year probably between 15 and 25C and yes, the afternoon start is perfect. Sunrise at 4am and sunset at 11pm, with plenty of light an hour before/after.

I’m planning on registering tomorrow. Looking at hotel options and there’s not much going on in Lahti. I will need space for me, my wife, and my son (who will be 13 next year). Those tiny ass rooms and beds aren’t looking good.

I’m registered.

These guys seems to be at a lot of the local tri races, I’d assume they’ll rent you a bike.

Thank you.
Blimey, it’s a funny old language!