IM Canada F40-44: new thread

well presented. based on that evidence, and the rationale used for DQ’ing her from this year’s IMC, I don’t see how WTC could NOT DQ her from IMC 2013. If they didn’t, it would be inconsistent.

An article has been posted on the main page

That’s good that they have now also DQ’d her for the 2013 IMC race.

For the 2014 ITU Worlds in Weihai, it appears that the ITU do not have access to the run lap split data, which means they cannot do a similar analysis as WTC has done, even if there were photos of her in close proximity to other athletes. However, the ITU could still DQ her based on an “unreasonable” total run time - unreasonable being based on comparisons to her performances elsewhere. It seems that there was a bit of a mess in the Weihai timings, but even if they thought JM’s bike time may have been longer (it is extremely unlikely it could have been shorter, as she had one of the fastest bike splits in her AG), then this would mean her run split would have been even quicker. So either a) her bike split is accurate and she ran a 6:48/mile pace for the 20km run, which seems unreasonable enough for a DQ, or b) her bike split was longer and she would have had to run even faster than that (ie. also a DQ).

I suspect ITU have concluded that a 6:48/mile run pace is close enough to possible that they don’t feel they can DQ her, but it’s sad that she is clinging on to someone else’s (Victoria Hill’s) World Champion title in the face of all the overwhelming evidence.

Edit to fix quotes

Although the ITU doesn’t feel they have the data to disqualify her, couldn’t the Canadian Tri Federation recommend her for retroactive disqualification based on the preponderance of the evidence…or somehow rescind her credentials in a manner that would allow the ITU to act? Given that she is up to 3 disqualifications that span before and after Wehai, including her qualifying race, it would be honorable thing to do as a nation given that no one in the sport believes she actually performed at that level.

This should be possible. She did not qualify for ITU World’s per the Canadian requirements, so as someone said, it would be like the New York Yankees cheating their way into the playoffs and emerging as world champion.

Canada basically cheated its qual procedure and then used an athlete who did not qualify to steal a world championship title from Great Britain. Triathlon Canada needs to come clean, say they fielded an athlete whose presence was not valid and offer to the ITU to remove that athlete from the results.


As well as yanking the Triathlon Canada 2014 Athlete of the Year - Age Group Excellence award.

There is also a TriBC bursary (the Mary Leliveld Bursary Fund) that she received. Triathlon Canada will also re-imburse you your race entry and team fees if you are the defending World Champion. She would have received that for Sweden

Am I reading the note on the front page article correctly?:


If so, then the 2014 Vancouver race wasn’t for Weihai, and she qualified for Weihai at an earlier race?

Was just wondering the same thing. If so, what was the qualifying race and has anybody started investigating that?

Summing everything up:

  • DQ’ed from IM Canada 2013
  • DQ’ed from Subaru Vancouver Triathlon 2014
  • DQ’ed from IM Canada 2015
  • Indefinitely suspended from IM events
  • We still have questionable results for China 2014. t seems fair to investigate the event that qualified her for that.
  • There are also the two Test of Metal MTB races with questionable results

Haven’t read whole thread but i just can not see how one single amateur triathlete merits 520 posts, unless she murdered someone to win her AG:)

Maybe the 2013 Vancouver half?

She placed 3rd in her age group, so that was probably good enough to qualify.

She is a counselor at a college. Helping kids make important life choices…UGH!!!

from what i understand, it was that same vancouver half, just the 2013 edition. this served as a qualifier for the 2014 weihai race.

Maybe the 2013 Vancouver half?

She placed 3rd in her age group, so that was probably good enough to qualify.

Reading this
“Miller’s breakthrough year in the sport came in 2013 with a second place finish in her age group at the Long Distance National Triathlon Championships. She was the top Canadian female in her age group at the event and that result sent her to China.”


So then no more “she should be automatically DQ’d from Weihai because she was DQ’d from the qualifying race”, right?

Dan … can you clarify what you wrote in the FB conversation on ST’s front page.

Are you saying that she has been officially banned from FUTURE WTC races? If so, for how long? I’ve read WTC’s statements concerning the IMC DQs, but haven’t seen anything about banning from future races.

Can you clarify the verbiage? Is she DQ’ed from only WTC-owned events or has she been banned from other organization’s races?
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Dan Empfield ·
Publisher at Slowtwitch
According to Ironman, both Ironman owned and Ironman licensed events, whether full or half distance, along with some others.

According to the TriCan website, that would have been the 2013 Vancouver Half. it was also timed by SportStats. She took third with a 4:56:xx.

You can find her splits here:

Anyone have photos from that race?

it would be like the New York Yankees cheating their way into the playoffs and emerging as world champion

Or you know like the Patriots cheating their way to the Super Bowl and then emerging as the Super Bowl champions :slight_smile:

Too soon?

whether somebody should be DQd from one race because they were retroactively DQd from the race that qualified them is way beyond my scope. but yes, you’re right.

bear in mind that ironman did not make a finding of cheating. it made a finding of having not completed the course. the suspension is for that infraction having occurred more than once. everyone is free to draw his own conclusion as to what was the driver behind the incompletion of the course, but what we lack, now, is a roadmap for how one might be found to have purposely cut the course versus inadvertently cut the course.

this is why i’m giving governing bodies a little slack. for them to suspend an athlete, is a finding of fraudulent behavior implicit the suspension? if so, then we’re asking an NF to go further than ironman has gone.

“Are you saying that she has been officially banned from FUTURE WTC races?”


“If so, for how long?”


Anyone have photos from that race?

According to the TriCan website, that would have been the 2013 Vancouver Half. it was also timed by SportStats. She took third with a 4:56:xx.

You can find her splits here:

Anyone have photos from that race?

I just looked at those splits and they look fairly legit for a front of pack local athlete. It also corroborates to me that a 32 min half IM swimmer cannot magically become a 57-58 min full IM swimmer. Also a 1:40 20K half IM runner does not turn in some of the times she has posted at IM’s during the run.

At the surface it looks like a legit qual for Weihei 2014 so no reason to remove her from Weihei on account of fraudulently qualifying (unless some other evidence is produced from Vancouver 2013). For the British athlete to get her world title from Weihei, there would now need to be some hard evidence of course cutting at Weihei assuming there is nothing hard from Vancouver 2013. At least the splits that show up in sportstats don’t seem totally out of whack in any sport for a decent athlete.

it would be like the New York Yankees cheating their way into the playoffs and emerging as world champion

Or you know like the Patriots cheating their way to the Super Bowl and then emerging as the Super Bowl champions :slight_smile:

Too soon?

The thought did cross my mind. Technically the Pat’s should have been thrown out retroactively…kind of like Nibali getting a tow from the team car and the Vuelta throwing him out after reviewing what happened in that stage, or actually more like Floyd or Lance winning the TdF and then being stripped after the fact. But, hey, let’s stick to the topic at hand and not turn this into a Tom Brady thread. Julie Miller’s conformance to racing rules and associated evidence is what slowman told us to focus on in here.

But, hey, let’s stick to the topic at hand and not turn this into a Tom Brady thread. Julie Miller’s conformance to racing rules and associated evidence is what slowman told us to focus on in here.

Fair enough :slight_smile:

Haven’t read whole thread but i just can not see how one single amateur triathlete merits 520 posts, unless she murdered someone to win her AG:)

That probably would have been more acceptable around here, provided she did not cut the course to do so