Anyone have Ultra training plans?

I am doing my first 50K this December. Now that the tri season is over, I thought I better get started training for it! Anyone have any good training plans. I was thinking of taking a marathon training plan and just adding a little bit of distance, since it isn’t that much longer:) One thing I have learned this season, though, is that I am better off NOT improvising and making my own training plans!

What kind of ultra is it? Trail? Road? Hilly? Etc…you’re pretty much on the button in terms of using a marathon training program and adding a bit to it (it has worked for me in the past) but the key factor will be course and terrain of your planned race. It will alter your training plans somewhat.

I’m so dumb - I was about to reply and ask you what distance. Then I read the 1st sentence of your post. I guess it’s good to read before you ask questions!

Trail, not too hilly, which is good since it is pancake flat where I live. My previous marathons were trail races, also, so I know how to train for the terrain, just not the distance. Also, middle of Dec. is a little late in the northern climate, so I am a bit concerned about weather/gear.

“Not too hilly” could still be an issue…try your best to mimic the kind of hills you’ll encounter in the race. As you probably know, it’s the downhills that kill you so if you have long stretches of that in the race, work on that prior. Uphills, if they’re real steep, you’ll see most experienced ultra runners power walk them as it keeps the HR lower and the forward speed is negligibly different than trying to “run” up them.

As for warmth, again depends on how cold you’re talking. Do you usually run train outdoors in the early winter? If so, clothing shouldn’t really vary too much from that.


Sounds like fun. I would love to hear how your training goes and what plan you end up using. I have been thinking along those same lines am pretty sure that I am going to try an Ultra next Fall. It seems to me that adding distance to a marathon plan seems like a good place to start. Good luck and please keep us posted.


I’ve done essentially the same, devising a program that mimics the marathon “3 up, 1 back” mileage building plan. For a 50k, which is essentially the same as a marathon, maybe bump your longest run 3 weeks prior to raceday to a 25 miler, or 3.5 to 4 hour run. Most importantly, practice like you’ll play - use the same gels & hydration for that run as you will on race day.

Quite a useful resource here… Good stuff even if you aren’t an Ultrarunner.


Trikitty, is that the HUFF you are doing? I did it last year and am contemplating this year. Definetly get some hill time in. It’s not bad but if you live in a very flat area it will hurt. I do, it did. This year I will be doing some hill training even if it means driving 50 miles to find hills.

Yes, it is the HUFF. It sounded pretty flat to me. At least compared to DWD and the Bloomington, IN trail marathon I did last year (3400 ft ascent/descent). Any other course insights, Jim? Don’t you live in MI, also? If you plan on doing it this year, let me know, maybe we can carpool.

It is a lot flatter than DWD. I thought the hills would kill me at that race. I do live in MI, but I seem to be the most northerly STer. I haven’t made a decision yet as to wether or not I will run the HUFF. Today will be my first run since DWD (I’ve been lazy). And my job search is still up in the air, so I’m not commiting to anything yet. Last year I used Hal Higdons 3 day a week marathon plan to train but added some weeks to the original to get the mileage up, it worked but not great. DWD I did a lot more frequent running and actually did a 30 mile training “run”, which I took very easy. My run base is still pretty high right now so I am trying to figure out how to maintain it and get some speed work in if I go to the HUFF.

I’m a couple of hours north of Detroit, so I’m also farther north than most ST’ers. Let me know if you decide to do it.