Iron Man 70.3 Silverman some questions

I am thinking of doing the 70.3 at Vegas in 2015 (Silverman). I have some questions, maybe you can help.

  • I am from Europe and I thinking of not bringing the bike with me. Does Vegas have good rentals for road bikes/racing bikes? And do they allow the bike to be used in the race?

  • Does the race sell out fast or do I have some time? (it opens mid december I think)

  • Who had done the race this year and want to share some experiences, or maybe their Garmin Connect bike link.


There are a number of shops that have nice bikes to rent - I do know that they run out of them that weekend though. I don’t think it sold out at all last year. I have not raced it yet (wish I had this past year though) but I live in Las Vegas and have raced on the run course and bike course and swim at Lake Mead frequently.

I think the swim should be the easiest past of the day as long as the winds aren’t real strong. Waves can get pretty big but it has never been unmanageable.

The bike course is hilly – there are no flat places you are either climbing or descending. When it is windy (which it often is here) it can be pretty miserable. If you have never experienced the desert before you might find it beautiful, many people do. I find it brown, with the exception of beautiful sunrises and sunsets. (I am biased though)

The run course is the main reason I didn’t do the race last year. It is 3 loops of really nothing to see with a big mile long climb repeated 3x. It will be hot and monotonous. (spectators seem to like it though)

All that said I think I will probably race next year.

If you set up your rental in advance I cant imagine you will have trouble getting a decent bike. You will have to check with the shop about using it in the race but again I don’t see any reason you wouldn’t be able to.

The race did not sell out this past year and I don’t foresee it selling out this year. I suppose it’s considered a difficult race so a lot of people will shy away.

This years swim was warm and should be next year as well.

The bike course is hilly and very exposed. If there is any wind on the day you will catch most of it.

The run is never flat either. Lots of direct sunlight can make for a tough run the longer into the day you get.

Definitely a great event and fun race. I enjoyed this years and would recommend it to anyone. Whether you race Silverman or another race, good luck and have fun!

This past year I registered the week before. There are a lot of inexpensive places to stay and rental cars are cheap. Excellent race to tie into a vacation Vegas+Grand Canyon. I can’t comment on rentals as I brought my own bike. It was a really good and most importantly fair race (no drafting). The run course is a grind and yes, it is always in the 90’s.

I will likely go back next year. Definitely worth the trip.


The bike is as they say above windy and exposed. It’s also on open roads so you have to keep your head on a swivel. Don’t underestimate the last 5 miles. I found that to be the hardest part of the bike

I thought I’d hate the run but I actually quite liked the challenge. Wicked tough though. Basically a mile downhill then repeat 2 miles up, 2 miles down, twice. Not steep, but enough to make you notice, especially if it’s hot. And it can be very hot

Amazing aid stations though and other than the open course bike I have no complaints. Great and experienced race director, they actually had these huge portable ice machines at the aid stations so they never ran out

Definitely doing it again

I did it this year and right now plan on doing it again in '15.
The swim was good, the water very clear in my opinion, a good 3 sided rectangular. It was barely wet suit legal, but I wore my swim skin and was comfy.
The bike, like mentioned above, was far from flat. Lots of rollers. Some of the climbs didn’t seem steep, but went on forever.
The 3 loop run was monotonous, but hey, you knew where the water stations were exactly after the first lap.
The area and crowd support was great. I went out with my twin 16yr old boys. We stayed a few extra days, since they had their Fall Break from school. We stayed at the Green Valley Resort (they had discounts for the triathletes). It was walking distance to T2*, so I let them sleep in and meet me at T2 at an estimated finish time. Decent restaurants, all within walking distance, was a plus too.

Pinnacle Cycle (I think) rented wheels at the race, but don’t know if they rented bikes. I flew mine out with me.

*The morning of the race I was walking through the casino @ 4am and thinking ‘who’s crazier…me up this early to do this race, or the people up this early putting coins on the slot machines?’

I did it this year and right now plan on doing it again in '15.
The swim was good, the water very clear in my opinion, a good 3 sided rectangular. It was barely wet suit legal, but I wore my swim skin and was comfy.
The bike, like mentioned above, was far from flat. Lots of rollers. Some of the climbs didn’t seem steep, but went on forever.
The 3 loop run was monotonous, but hey, you knew where the water stations were exactly after the first lap.
The area and crowd support was great. I went out with my twin 16yr old boys. We stayed a few extra days, since they had their Fall Break from school. We stayed at the Green Valley Resort (they had discounts for the triathletes). It was walking distance to T2*, so I let them sleep in and meet me at T2 at an estimated finish time. Decent restaurants, all within walking distance, was a plus too.

Pinnacle Cycle (I think) rented wheels at the race, but don’t know if they rented bikes. I flew mine out with me.

***The morning of the race I was walking through the casino @ 4am and thinking ‘who’s crazier…me up this early to do this race, or the people up this early putting coins on the slot machines?**’

Both…the gamblers are squandering their money on slot machines…we are squandering money on WTC and compression gear…both up at 4 am. The smart people on all fronts were sleeping in and also saving their money!

I am thinking of doing the 70.3 at Vegas in 2015 (Silverman). I have some questions, maybe you can help.

  • I am from Europe and I thinking of not bringing the bike with me. Does Vegas have good rentals for road bikes/racing bikes? And do they allow the bike to be used in the race?

  • Does the race sell out fast or do I have some time? (it opens mid december I think)

  • Who had done the race this year and want to share some experiences, or maybe their Garmin Connect bike link.


The race was amazing. Has to be one of the most honest courses out there regarding the bike and you certainly can’t fake it. Run is challenging as well.

Thanks for all the replies. Good to hear is not of those ‘sold out in 24 hours’ races (Like IM Florida).

The bike sounds challenging. Been in the Vegas area a couple of time sand I really enjoy the dessert. Find it very beautiful. Love to ride in it.
Maybe the run course is a little less exciting…

*The morning of the race I was walking through the casino @ 4am and thinking ‘who’s crazier…me up this early to do this race, or the people up this early putting coins on the slot machines?’

They weren’t up early, they were up late :slight_smile: I remember walking through a casino at 7am on my way to register for a conference and seeing a guy playing slots, smoking, drinking a beer and eating a hot dog and nachos. To this day I am not sure if he was up really early or really late :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the replies. Good to hear is not of those ‘sold out in 24 hours’ races (Like IM Florida).

The bike sounds challenging. Been in the Vegas area a couple of time sand I really enjoy the dessert. Find it very beautiful. Love to ride in it.
Maybe the run course is a little less exciting…

I loved the run course. You get the chance to see how your competitors look twice a lap which is very motivating and helps it fly by.

Yes, this is real desert riding, beautiful views despite the pain

Here’s my garmin bike/run data. Slow, I know… don’t laugh :slight_smile:

I guess I will provide the minority opinion.

I did the race this year and I didn’t think it was that great. Compared to Oceanside and St. George, Silverman comes in third place in my opinion.

It is a 30 minute bus ride on race morning from T2/Finish to the swim start. On Saturday, it is a long drive to drop off your bike as there was a lot of traffic. Pain in the ass. It is a nice swim except for the starting coral which was packed with swimmers like we were sardines. Very annoying. On the positive side, as mentioned by others, it was barely wetsuit legal. The scenery on the bike is nice while in the park, but the car traffic in there makes it dicey. More than a few close calls with impatient drivers (many of them towing trailers with boats) and cyclists. Also, they needed another aid station as the first one was rather far. The run is boring as hell, hotter than hell as it is totally exposed, and lacks scenery.

Most likely wouldn’t do it again.

I also enjoyed the race. The bike course isn’t crazy hard…just plenty of moderate hills. The run course is lined with spectators the entire way, which helps take your mind off the suffering. I have signed up again for 2015. Looking forward to it!