Bree Wee speech

It was a terrible speech, she managed to put down her co-competitors by saying “the race came down to who wanted kona more and I think it is me”, then she put down the race by saying “glad my family is here cause that means more then any race prize” Obvious, your family means more, but I think it could have been structured a bit differently. And who is she to say who wanted to win more Both her and the 2nd and 3rd place girls passed me on the run, she was looking strong, but I have to say the other 2 were gutting it out too.

the girl is nice but ain’t too swift upstairs. you can leave it at that.

Not cool. It’s not like the awards are at 12:30AM after the last finisher… you have all evening and morning to put something descent together to say. If in doubt, keep it simple… Thank Sponsors, supporters (family and coach), competitors, volunteers.

Good details might be telling your competition how hard they made it for you, maybe mention course conditions, weather etc. … and then mention the 4 things above.

Here is an article or an interview a local paper HI paper did.

Congrats to the Local BI Girl on her 2nd IM win and KQ!!

Yet she’s managed to figure out more about herself and the sport, than many of purported higher intelligence.

“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Great! Wonderful! Maybe in her next schedule you can include learning about being tactful and gracious. I know Bree, she’s a great personality and warm, but intelligence is not one of her stronger suits.

the girl is nice but ain’t too swift upstairs. you can leave it at that.
I agree. She is sweet, passionate, and I think she means well. Public speaking is just not her forte.

I believe she meant no disrespect to her competition. She has wanted to go back to Kona for so long and finally realized her dream. I say cut her some slack.

Congrats to the Local BI Girl on her 2nd IM win and KQ!!

What does her sexuality have to do with anything here?


Yet she’s managed to figure out more about herself and the sport, than many of purported higher intelligence.

“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Except how to keep your pro licence from expiring.

Congrats to the Local BI Girl on her 2nd IM win and KQ!!

What does her sexuality have to do with anything here?

BI, Big Island , shakes head

It was a joke.

It was a joke.

Ok, you came across, to me anyway as just sounding really stupid.

Almost as stupid as including a quote with a misspelling in your signature line?

Rumor has it you have signed up for IMLT and will be chasing a Kona Spot? Any truth to this rumor?


Almost as stupid as including a quote with a misspelling in your signature line?

You’ll have to take that up with the author of my Sig Line.

But thanks for affirming my original thought.

Almost as stupid as including a quote with a misspelling in your signature line?


I’m no longer coaching Bree, but will always be a fan for reasons that you will most likely fail to appreciate.

With all due respect to your ability to evaluate the intelligence of others - I know her well enough to disagree with your assessment.

Let’s just leave it at that.

Nothing to see here… she meant she wanted Kona a lot. I’m sure her intention was not to put down the rest, but to express how much she wanted that win. That’s it.
Yes, maybe she could have used better words but whatever, not a big deal.

Well I could have commented on your punctuation use, but that seemed too easy. Commas are your friend, friend.