Trainer Music: Mama Mia

why is this acceptable on the women’s forum? you should be outed on the main page! heehee

Celebrity Skin! that is a fantastic album! esp when you listen to the whole album in order, not random on the ipod. I heard her in an interview once with Howard Stern…he was chastizing her as she was smoking and drinking during the interview…he said-arent you worried about your voice? and she said=shit, Howard, have you heard what I do? I wouldnt call that singing…but it is such a great album. Also Depeche Mode is still fantastic. They are touring again this year and I am planning on it for sure. Rage Against the Machine and NIN are newer, still 90s I think, they are great to ride to…but why not stick with what you like?
also, and I am not saying this as you are Indian, but after I saw Slumdog Millionaire I downloaded the soundtrack…Jai Ho gets me really going. Love love it!

When Nick gives you his seal of approval, all is lost…

Those guys would make a great Ultraman relay team.Imagine the movie…

“Priscilla Queen of the Okanagan”

Most of inner Sydney looks like these guys this weekend as it the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras week.Hell if I went down there for the weekend at least someone might buy me a drink or two.That would be a change! :wink:


Okay JenHS you knew this was coming.

Back in '82 I used to work for the Sydney Hilton tending bar in the nightclub.The only places we could go for a drink after work were the private gay clubs or Les Girls(drag show) at Kings Cross.I would rock on down with the waitresses from our club “Julianas” and an assortment of gay dudes from work and party 'til the sun came up every night.Bloody hilarious fun!!!
The Mama Mia clip from “Priscilla” reminds me of some of those clubs.

Ya gotta love the costumes!

I watch that movie every time it comes on TV. I absolutely love it and I’ve had the soundtrack since it came out.

Great music to run to.

why is this acceptable on the women’s forum? you should be outed on the main page! heehee

Agreed. I request that some of the men lurking over here make fun of dev :slight_smile:

I would rather poke my eyes out with a fork then listen to Mamma Mia voluntarily.

Depeche was one of the best bands of the 80’s.

Back to the original topic, did I say that Meryl Streep does an awesome “winner takes it all”. She’s an incredible actress. OK, I better go back to watching Bond movies and back to the main forum to talk aero tech talk, or I might lose my so called manliness and be entered by sportstats in the W40-44 at the next tri (by the way, my wife said, she wants legs like mine, so does this mean I have legs that look like a women’s or is it my wife’s way of saying my legs look acceptable)…

…today I got stuck in a Duran Duran hungry like the wolf time warp and had to elevate myself back to some Depeche…here is a big time 80’s party in Germany:

Nothing like partying hard in Deutchland in the 80’s…good times! I tried to spend some of every college summer in Germany and the Cote d’Azur (the way life is meant to be lived).

OK back to reality in the cube farm and the pathetic 40something existence (OK, its not that bad, I have it pretty good).

Tomorrow night I am going to an 80’s party/fund raiser.

Although my husband thinks the Cure is the way to go, I am sticking to the basics of flash dance. At least that way I can still ride my bike in the my jelly shoes> (LOL) The question is whether I will be able to see my pedals with all that big hair in the way?

At least the music should be good…and maybe some forgotten songs to work out to!

I saw that tour in San Diego…
Such amazing music and voice…

I saw them at Coachella and they played a lot of old stuff… when was the last time you heard this? this video is from Coachella…

You are always welcome over here, Dev. We have been known to give advice on shaving vs. waxing, anniversary gifts, finding the best bike for a smaller woman, comfortable saddles and even where to find the gf/wife cute cycling clothes.

Nick comes over regularly to share his love of chick flicks :slight_smile:

“Don’t call what Pierce Bronson did singing”

LOL!! How very true.

I was a big ABBA fan back in the day and still listen to them nowadays. The movie was OK also.

Where have I been? How did you break your fibula?

I’ll search the forum to see if you posted about it and I missed it!

Forget it, found it. Ahh, the dangerous sport of XC…NOT! Ha! I did once see a guy break his femur on a fall in the Boulder Tour. That was nasty. Justin Wadsworth broke his back once “skiing”, but he was doing backflips off a kicker (on skate skis). Do tell, how did you accomplish this feat? I sure hope it was an epic crash with trees, ice and maybe dodging a wolverine, or perhaps trying to outspint Alex Harvey or something.

Get well fast, my friend.

he he he. I was off a ship at the Auckland waterfront once with about 6 hours to kill on my own before re-boarding - I found my way to the theatre and had a choice between Mamma Mia and Hancock. I was absolutely shot after 2 weeks of 16 hour days and wandered into Mamma Mia without really realizing what I had done…

I actually kind of enjoyed some of it (!) but only because I was alone! I think if I was going to see anyone in the theatre again I would have left on principle. And you’re right about Brosnan :smiley:

I am completely stuck in the 80s on my trainer as far as music goes… I just finished up a session with the best of ABC followed by Duran Duran Decade.
I say go with it, I do.

My other preferred trainer tunes is high energy dance music.

If someone stole my ipod (which I still call a walkman) theyd think they went back in time to 1989. Today it was the Sisters of Mercy and The The. Soul Mining is one of my favourite albums on a long run…

Sto, the worst part is that at the point I broke my ankle I was barely moving…to make a long story short, I caught an edge on some even grooming, gained my balance back during a curve in the trail and ended up in knee deep powder, but standing up…but since the powder was soft and not firm I started tipping to the left, but my right ski was trapped under my left ski so when I fell left, the right boot had nowhere to go…broken fibula…first broken bone in 20 years on skis and that included 70+ kph descents on skinny skis on blue ice.

…back to the 80’s time warp, how the hell did Boy George appear on my roller ride this morning. I was feeling all studly doing my final interval at 300W (all of one minute just to say my ankle is better than it really is…actually does not hurt while riding) and this atrocity from the 80’s comes blaring off an 80’s British Gold CD at which point I almost fell off my rollers…at which point I am hoping that Edge appears out of the 80’s with a kick ass guitar solo …go to 27 second into this link from U2 at Slane Castle:

OK back to the main forum where I can discuss whether my non aero flapping race belt will take 10 min off my IM split and put me out of contention for a Kona slot given that I am not using dimpled tubulars…

OK back to the main forum where I can discuss whether my non aero flapping race belt will take 10 min off my IM split and put me out of contention for a Kona slot given that I am not using dimpled tubulars…

Today it was the Sisters of Mercy and The The.
Andrew Eldritch’s voice brings me to my knees it’s so beautiful