What's your favorite... NEW RULES: ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS


soy milk or cow’s milk?

cow - though, don’t you ever wonder why we are the only species that drinks milk as adults (and from another species!!)?

pen or pencil?

not true: cats will drink cow’s milk!


hike or day at the beach?

hike or day at the beach?

Hike. I can’t handle a full day at the beach.

Nap on the plane, or chat with the cute flight attendant? Does your answer change if you stayed up way too late the night before watching “Shark Week” on TLC?

Cute flight attendant (unless I’m pass-out tired)

dance or jig?

(“not true: cats will drink cow’s milk!” ← they will, but they’re not supposed to! really bad for them!)

Lest I be chastised for killing the flow of this thread, my point below is to make cuds fix her broken A||B option…


A jig is a type of dance, is it not? You can’t trick me that easily!

I’m (ever so slightly) regretting my decision to stay up and chat with the flight attendant, but only because my connecting flight home has been delayed 6x and by 3hrs (and counting). Had everything gone according to plan, I’d have been sleeping for over an hour by now…

What I meant by dance was to actually look good at doing something, and jig look like an ass - kind of like you will in your race with drtommy :smiley:

So fine, let me change it up:

jig or “sexy” dance

Jig. My reputation demands nothing less.

Khai or Dr Tommy? :stuck_out_tongue:

Khai or Dr Tommy? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ted McGreggor.

Matt Mcconaughey or Brad Pitt?

Used to be Brad but this whole Brangelina thing has me miffed. Matthew’s got that crazy drawl. Mmmmm. Guess I’ll pick MM.



If I HAD to choose one, BBC

tattoo(s) or no tattoo(s)

Tattoos can be veddy sexy (my BF has two, actually we have matching ones awww how cheesy eh?)… but they can be too much/over the top too.

Massage or pedicure?

Massage. My feets look like crap and a pedi isn’t gonna help them at this point lol.

Pizza: veggie or meat


Beatles or Stones?


Black or red…licorice?



plain or peanut?


Timex or Polar?


Toy Story or Finding Nemo?


morning person or night owl?

Morning person! Slept until 0830 today and felt like the day was 1/2 over.

Hill repeats or track workout?