December BIKING Challenge!

Since it’s winter here, I’ll do 30 days of 30min of trainer (or more).

Hell yeah commuting miles count! That’s the spirit. Lets *use *our bikes, not sit inside like mice on wheels.

Don’t forget, folks. Send me your email addresses, so I can let you edit the spreadsheet (I’d love to keep track of your training for you, but I’m unfortunately not being paid enough to do so).

I’m thinking 1000 miles is reasonable.

I’ll start off with 132 miles for the month so far.

By the way it was 82 degrees in Austin today! Doh! No problem getting outside. :slight_smile: I guess I get a handicap, eh?

I will go for it. Put me down for 1500 please.


Please add me. My goal is 25 rides in December

i’m in, please add me. 1000 miles.

hey why not IMNZ is not far away and bc is under lots of white fluffy stuff lets say 1600kms most if not all on the trainer.

A shout-out on your blog?? But I already got one of those!

If I win, can I at least get a couple banana’s or something?

:slight_smile: Brian

yes, this is what I’ve been doing. I live in socal, so weather’s not really a problem for me. I guess I’ll have to get a cyclocomputer, which I’ve been meaning to lately. I’m not a very focused person, and I will be traveling a little during my upcoming winter break, so put me down for 400 miles. (100 mpw isn’t that bad is it?)

Riding 30 minutes in chicago winter is different than watching buffy reruns on the trainer. Excuse me for not having the chain in the big ring.[/IMG]

I’m in on this one. I get out of school on Wednesday so I should have plenty of time on my hands.

Put me down for 800 miles.

i’ll go for 600.

What kind of tires are those?

oooh… tempting.
gotta think about this one a bit.

45 minutes on the trainer yesterday.
i’d forgotten how mind-numbingly boring it is.


hmmmm what’s all that gunk all over your bike? Its sunny and 55 degrees today in wonderful North Carolina…:stuck_out_tongue: Sorry had to rub it in

1000 miles for me please.

who calls it “biking”?? Either you are under the age of 12 or you show up it Sturgis every year…

But seriously, how about tracking something that is actually connected to improving performance? Volume in the form of mileage is a rather crude form of quantifying training load. Weekly time spent at or above 20MP (in chunks of 2 min or greater), or if you are building that “huge base” you could set the bar lower at FTP or so…

If you just want to brag about how much you ride, that’s cool I guess.

It just dropped 8-12 inches across New England, man, and it’s the base/offseason. If all you think about is improving your performance instead of enjoying your time training, you’re doing this for the wrong reasons. I posted this thread because there are swimming and running challenges on the forum; it’s there for people to use it as they will, or maybe as a little extra incentive to get out the door in the nasty weather. Your snarky comments about my diction seem a bit aggressive, too.

big 4 commuting miles for me today, i did get a good 6.5 in running for the 100/100 challenge though

Thanks Baggage for taking the time to set this up!
