Ullrich looked Deydrated

Jan’s mouth was dry as a bone at the starting house. His lips were like a lizard. Also, the guy that wiped out in the left hand bend, he hit his pedal on the ground as he atempted to pedal through. For some reason they thought his r. wheel slid out…just 2 of my observations.

yeah, Rogers, but later OLN showed the pedal clipping the ground

Ullrich looked nervous

Rogers was interviewed after the race and said he hit a stone with his wheel, skipped, and then dug a pedal.

Rogers was interviewed after the race and said he hit a stone with his wheel, skipped, and then dug a pedal.

So everyone who said they couldn’t believe how dumb the announcers were to not have seen that it was clearly a pedal clip pure and simple, were…wrong? Say it isn’t so!.

I think he may have been understandably nervous. He still does not look well prepared compared to Armstrong to me.