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Re: T100 Singapore [Ajax Bay]
Ajax Bay wrote:
Lurker4 wrote:
Great Broadcast again. Great camera shots. They covered the back of the bike a lot better too.

I haven't followed the rest of the commentary, but I hope everyone is fuming about the lack of integrity in the officiating. I'd like to say they lack balls, but it's worse than that. The officials are clearly the worst of the euro style officiating that call penalties on imaginary lines that affect nothing and ignore race changing draft packs.

Suit next to your bike? Penalty! Big toe touched the line as you jump off the bike? Penalty!

Massive draft packs constantly yo-yoing? Maybe give them a stern talking to? You kidding me? You see the red light flashing, you make a pass. You don't pass, you get nailed. We can't blame turns and hills for all of this. There was plenty of opportunity to make the pass and the athletes just chose to sit in and back out.

The racing is great, but like last year the PTO has shown its poor officiating is actually getting in the way of the race.

ProTriNews take (Pat/@talbot cox/@tritalkingFacts):

My favourite part of that podcast was the very straight-faced rundown of Youri Keulen's coach's background...
Last edited by: cherry_bomb: Apr 16, 24 9:07

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  • Post edited by cherry_bomb (Cloudburst Summit) on Apr 16, 24 9:07