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Live Gaza Cam
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You need to have an external viewer for it to open in.
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [scottie18] [ In reply to ]
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I can hear gunfire. At one point I could see smoke coming from a distant building. Eerie.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [JenHS] [ In reply to ]
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I can hear gunfire. At one point I could see smoke coming from a distant building. Eerie.
Yes, I watched for a few hours last night and have it on now and their have been occasional explosions and jets or helicopters, but not the bombardment the news and certain posters here would have you think.
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [scottie18] [ In reply to ]
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what are those things that look like downward fireworks? there's a puff of smoke, then shimmering things falling to the ground with smoke trails following. cluster artillery shells? leaflets? IR flares? there don't appear to be any secondary explosions when they reach the ground.

if someone can show me how to get a screen grab from WMP, i'll post a pic.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [scottie18] [ In reply to ]
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<quote> Yes, I watched for a few hours last night and have it on now and their have been occasional explosions and jets or helicopters, but not the bombardment the news and certain posters here would have you think.</quote>

If everything is as calm as you claim, why hasn't the military allowed the International media to go inside, in spite of the supreme court of Israel ordering them to do so? How should one know that the like of this:
http://www.youtube.com/...&feature=related is not happening somewhere behind the webcam ?

"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." Oscar Wilde
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [ACTN3] [ In reply to ]
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They are showing footage from a hospital. Careful when watching because it isn't sanitized for American television and can be pretty grusome.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [ACTN3] [ In reply to ]
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<quote> Yes, I watched for a few hours last night and have it on now and their have been occasional explosions and jets or helicopters, but not the bombardment the news and certain posters here would have you think.</quote>

If everything is as calm as you claim, why hasn't the military allowed the International media to go inside, in spite of the supreme court of Israel ordering them to do so? How should one know that the like of this:
http://www.youtube.com/...&feature=related is not happening somewhere behind the webcam ?
1) Did you really grab some video from 2006 to try to say Israel is bad?

2) Why should they let the media in? Is there some law about letting media run around in the middle of war zones? Besides that, Hamas is all about the media so why would anyone in their right mind allow them to have their spotlight. Where they can show pics of dead kids and say "look at what the horrible Israeli's did" without mentioning the fact that they were firing mortars and rockets from that same building, hiding behind the kids.

3) Reading the posts of certain posters you would believe a 1945 Berlin style bombardment is going on, and here is proof that it isn't.
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [JenHS] [ In reply to ]
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Also, here is the news agency website whose webcam this is: http://english.ramattan.net/NewsDefault.aspx

Seems to me any bombing is too much bombing, regardless of politics.


"In order to keep a true perspective on one's importance, everyone should have a dog that worships him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [scottie18] [ In reply to ]
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Before answering your points individually, let me say that, the reason Israel is being critisized is because as a democratic state, it has to be accountable for its actions. The expectations from the state of Israel are higher than those from Hamas, so excuses such as "Hamas does the same, that is Hamas wants" etc. is just lowering the standards. The reason many expend their energy blaming Israel is that they feel it might be effective and lead to prevention of those actions they deem cruel.
Now read on,
" 1) Did you really grab some video from 2006 to try to say Israel is bad?
Just because it is two years old, it doesn't make it right. But also credit has to be given to the Israeili soldeirs in the video for their objectivity. Thats why media presence is important.

"hy should they let the media in? s there some law about letting media run around in the middle of war zones? "

see above. I don't know whether there is any law in general, but specifically for this war, there is order from supreme court of Israel, why does IDF neglect the orders of their own court?

"Where they can show pics of dead kids and say "look at what the horrible Israeli's did" without mentioning the fact that they were firing mortars and rockets from that same building, hiding behind the kids. "

Fee media will take care of that. Don't you believe in free market ? This is the same. If for some reason you have come to the conclusion that everyone in the world is intentionally misrepresenting your actions due to some pervasive hostility, then it is time to second guess what you are doing.

"3) Reading the posts of certain posters you would believe a 1945 Berlin style bombardment is going on, and here is proof that it isn't."

yet another reason for letting the media in. Besides, the intensity of the bombing would naturally decline when the ground operation begins. Had the webcam been online a week ago, we probably would have observed different scenes.

Again if it is as calm and as safe as what is portrayed, why not let the reporters go in to see for themselves ?

"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." Oscar Wilde
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [ACTN3] [ In reply to ]
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Again if it is as calm and as safe as what is portrayed, why not let the reporters go in to see for themselves ?
Oh yeah, the media makes everything better. Give the terrorists a bit of pub.


Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [NCtri] [ In reply to ]
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So you are saying that the western media endorses the terrorists ? Or their audience are terrorist sympathizers or simply too naive to digest uncensored information ?

"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." Oscar Wilde
Last edited by: ACTN3: Jan 10, 09 14:04
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [ACTN3] [ In reply to ]
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I am saying the media go for ratings, not truth. They'll report whatever the most sensational story is. Terrorists count on this.


Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [NCtri] [ In reply to ]
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"I am saying the media go for ratings, not truth. They'll report whatever the most sensational story is. Terrorists count on this."

Why would the tale of ugly inhumane terrorists brought to justice raise any sensation? if that is the only thing happening.

"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." Oscar Wilde
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [ACTN3] [ In reply to ]
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Why would the tale of ugly inhumane terrorists brought to justice raise any sensation? if that is the only thing happening.
Whatever. Hiding weapons in a mosque, mixing combatants among non-combatants and then getting all concerned blown up. I don't want to see them rewarded by getting the free pub. I wish they'd finish it off so we wouldn't have to hear about it anymore. One way or another. I don't care which one wins, just win so we can move on to the next intractable problem.


Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [ttocsmi] [ In reply to ]
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What u are seeing is WP (white phosphorous) smoke going it. Commonly portrayed by some as a horrific attempt to burn opponents and innocents; what WP is designed to do is to screen/obscure movements. The smoke from WP easily defeats direct observation and many thermal imaging devices.

Depending on how you look at it: the best place to kill people (or take losses) in an urban combat environment is while crossing open (generally linear) danger areas. You can suffer horrific casualties crossing linear danger areas in a high intensity urban combat environment. I have been on both the receiving and the inflicting end. So what (from my professional opinion) you are viewing is IDF efforts to screen the movements of their dismounted troop formations from direct fire engagment.


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Re: Live Gaza Cam [scottie18] [ In reply to ]
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I can hear gunfire and helicopters but can't seen anything. A school full of HAMAS children must be attacking the IDF.
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [YaHey] [ In reply to ]
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I can hear gunfire and helicopters but can't seen anything. A school full of HAMAS children must be attacking the IDF.
Can't see anything? Wait you and OAD keep telling us how Israel is bombarding Gaza and killing anyone, then why can't we see it as the camera moves around showing all kinds of views?

Do you mean a school full of children that your buddies hide behind while trying to kill Israeli civilians? Are you a troll or are you really that blinded with hate and stupidity?
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [scottie18] [ In reply to ]
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I have audio, but no video. Besides, the IDF likes to murder behind the scenes. Like the way they like torturing. Kind of cowardly, I'd say.
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Re: Live Gaza Cam [YaHey] [ In reply to ]
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I have audio, but no video. Besides, the IDF likes to murder behind the scenes. Like the way they like torturing. Kind of cowardly, I'd say.
Typical Yahey and OAD tactic. When you have no intelligent answer try to to go off on a tangent. You two are so pathetic.
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