The official freak out about IMTX weather thread

Realizing that long-range weather forecasts aren’t worth crap, the first one from a semi-reputable source is nevertheless available.

Here for your reading enjoyment:

Let the freaking commence (especially for the non-Texans among us).

typical houston weather…you all got yourself into this mess, now you’ve gotta get yourself out.

Welcome to Woodlands, Texas. Don’t forget to add stifling humidity to the forecast too.

And a “touch” of wind if this weather pattern persists.

I’m coming from Ontario, Canada, where we’ve had a loooooong, cooooold winter. In fact, it snowed here, briefly, yesterday. Last Saturday I rode 180k outside, starting at 5 degrees celsius (40 fahrenheit). It got all the way up to 9 (58) by the end. So I dunno…I’m looking forward to a nice sunny warm day …and whatever the weather, It’ll be the same for everyone!

At least it’s not forecasted to rain. :slight_smile:

93 degrees, sunny and humid. I’m glad I live here and train in this shit. I don’t know what to say to you folks coming in from the northern states or other cooler locales. I know everyone thinks they’re Superman (or Superwoman) and they’ll be okay but under no circumstance would I ever do an Ironman distance race in this hot of weather without being acclimated to it. It’s just plain stupid. The heat index will be 100 degrees that day. It will have an enormous effect on everyone and especially those coming from places where highs have only been in the 70’s or whatever. Our heat and humidity is no joke. It’s going to be a rough and though day.

You all knew what the conditions were going to be at that time of year when you signed up for this race, so nothing to freak out about.

Ha! Highs in the 70’s! That would be crazy hot! If it snows during this race, those of us from Canada are going to kick some serious ass.

85 on Saturday bracketed by 95 degree weather 5 days either side…better hope they are spot on with that cold front!

At least it’s not forecasted to rain. :slight_smile:

93 degrees, sunny and humid. I’m glad I live here and train in this shit. I don’t know what to say to you folks coming in from the northern states or other cooler locales. I know everyone thinks they’re Superman (or Superwoman) and they’ll be okay but under no circumstance would I ever do an Ironman distance race in this hot of weather without being acclimated to it. It’s just plain stupid. The heat index will be 100 degrees that day. It will have an enormous effect on everyone and especially those coming from places where highs have only been in the 70’s or whatever. Our heat and humidity is no joke. It’s going to be a rough and though day.

70’s is generous there… try 20’s to 40’s for my commute rides… that said I took one look at the date for that race and said noooo way … I will be sticking to later season dates when I race long course

I am as non-Texan as they come and I can’t wait. I love hot weather. Except for the non wetsuit swim thing.

It is gonna be a blast. There will be aid stations everywhere, just keep tanked. Too many people trying to drum up fear, like CNN. There will not be piranhas or moccasins, wind may be brisk but is not nearly as bead as some say. Hills are slight, course is beautiful!

I just did the Woodlands sprint. The water was 77.8 degrees, and it has been unseasonably cool lately. Water has got to get to 80’s so I would not count on a wetsuit.

Wish the race was today. Beautiful here in Houston, cool 70’s with slight breeze and sunny skies.

Good luck with the taper. Try to go to a few Bikram yoga classes to get you set for hot and humid!

Stop sand bagging I have seen your workout program ;0)

OK I take back my pep talk. It is now 97 degrees in Houston and humid. Can’t even play outside with the kids. This may actually suck!

Great news. I couldn’t find my cold weather gear anyway.

Did you ride today? Nasty steady wind from the south, and ~90 deg when I got home ~12:30. Thermo outside kitchen window says 94 right now - but that’s south Houston, I’m sure its at least 1 degree cooler up north in Woodlands.

I’m coming from Ontario, Canada, where we’ve had a loooooong, cooooold winter. In fact, it snowed here, briefly, yesterday. Last Saturday I rode 180k outside, starting at 5 degrees celsius (40 fahrenheit). It got all the way up to 9 (58) by the end.

Best wishes.

With all due respect, may I ask why on earth you have chosen this IM race?

  1. It’s way early in your natural season.

  2. It’s going to be ridiculously hot. But we knew that way out. This is not a surprise.

How did you reach this conclusion?

My apologies. I am not trying to be an ass, just asking what is an obvious question.

Is there any scientific evidence to heat acclimation training; i’m not questioning you, just curious. It seems to me that some people are just naturally able to handle the heat better then others, regardless of how much and/or how little they are in the heat before a race. It might just be similar to doing sleep deprivation training for ultra’s or adventure racing, you really just have to factor it into your race plan/strategy but nothings going to change the affects that it will have on your system.

I am going to research it, good question. I will tell you the first time I tried bikram yoga I thought it was brutal but over time it got easier and easier and now I feel much more comfortable in heat.
Anecdotal but real to me. Knowing the human body it definitely adapts.

I chose this race because I have a brother in Houston, and he and his fiancee wanted to do their first IM close to home…and I have a cousin in Phoenix, and he and his wife wanted to do one fairly close to their home, and because…Texas is different, and different is fun. My wife is doing the race, too…and it takes place 3 days before our 20th anniversary, and 2 weeks before my 50th birthday. And since I’m a mid-packer, not trying to win or anything, the fact that I’m coming from a cold climate…so what, at the end of the day? This way, I have my “A” race over early in the year, I’ll be fit, and I’ll be able to go out and enjoy summer rides with my friends who are preparing for late summer IM’s…