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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [WannaB] [ In reply to ]
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WannaB wrote:
ChrisM wrote:
Thanks for the comprehensive post.

When I went on AC in 2009 all they really had was warfarin. I’m managed fine, test at home, am fairly stable in the low 2s and don’t really pay attention to diet. Didn’t want to switch to rue DOACs when they came out as there was no reversal agent , and I continue to do tris, skiing, MTB etc.

But 14 years of reporting my INR to a clinic only for them to bill me $45 (with insurance) and say “carry on” is getting super old

I was google medicine-ing this morning and found the xarelto approved reveal agent and got excited about finally switching. But sounds like maybe it’s still not a thing yet. Thoughts?

So there is now an FDA approved reversal agent specific to both Xarelto and Eliquis. Andexanet Alfa. It is given as a continuous infusion. As I mentioned above in my little Wikipedia page, there is a real risk of downstream thrombosis associated with it, so it is reserved for life threatening bleeds. The biggest role at present is for intracranial hemorrhage with an indication for emergent neurosurgical intervention. Also a role in emergent cardiac surgery. The other scenarios aren't well defined, and may evolve over time. It is anywhere in the range of 20-45K a dose, last I was updated. So base on all of this, it is not universally stocked and available at all hospitals and systems. More the large centers that can absorb cost burden of stocking and have the surgical subspecialties for emergent surgery.

I don't have a lot of heartburn with people on Eliquis or Xarelto. We manage many people well with acute hemorrhage on these agents, can try to use 4-Factor Prothrombin Concentrate (PCC) to reverse, which may have some effectiveness (there is debate regarding how much). But if you want the absolute easiest to reverse agent while being highly active, then Warfarin makes sense if you are dialed in over years.

ETA: Head to head studies actually show long-term Eliquis and Xarelto more effective with less bleeding risk than Warfarin, mostly due to steady state of dosing. I really use these as go to.


What are your thoughts on how quickly xarelto and eliquis stop being effective. My understanding is that it is fast compared to warfarin. But cannot reverse in hours as is the case with warfarin. I like xarelto and eliquis for patients going in for planned surgery because we don't have to do a lot of bridging like we did with warfarin which was a pita. Do you have idarucizumb in America. Apparently it reverses dabigatran in minutes. And only costs 4000 dollars.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

Last edited by: spockman: May 1, 24 16:34
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [spockman] [ In reply to ]
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This is sort of interesting, and gets into some of the theoretical. Bare with me, as I may ramble.

Half-life of Xarelto is about 5-9 hours, or 11-13 hours for older patients. Eliquis is about 12 hours. So over the course of 1-2 days, the effectiveness wanes. When I do lung biopsy procedures, I have folks hold 36-48h and we good to go.

This is the issue with using 4-Factor PCC as the default reversal agent for DOACs in places that don't have Andexanet. PCC is II, VII, IX, and X, which is why it is immediately effective in reversing Warfarin when given with Vitamin K.

The DOACs are Xa inhibitors. Andexanet works to block this pathway immediately. PCC doesn't, but the idea is that it at least has Factor X, so hopefully you are overcoming the DOAC effect by providing more X. And then maybe some additional benefit of adding other clotting factors. But, there are studies that suggest it isn't really PCC that helps with hemostasis, but more the timing of bleeding event relative to last dose of medication. So if I admit an ICH, and last dose of DOAC was 18 hours before, and repeat CT in 6 hours is stable, did I get hemostasis because we gave PCC or because they were far enough out from last dose that they were able to achieve spontaneous hemostasis? Similar argument for any other routine bleeding event on DOAC, and we give PCC.

As I mentioned in my initial post, I chair our clotting and anticoagulation committee. We meet monthly, and one of our roles is to review every single anticoagulation reversal given in our system each month. Pharmacy residents prepare, and we have a database of every patient who presents on Warfarin, Xarelto, Eliquis, or Pradaxa, what their bleeding event is (GI, ICH, massive epistaxis, etc) and then what they are given. We do have idarucizumb, btw. So I am privy to all cases.

Our data shows pretty similar outcomes whether presenting on Warfarin or DOAC, when managed aggressively. It should be hard to bleed to death in a hospital, in general. Outcomes are overwhelmingly pretty good. Unless it is a complication of a terminal disease state, and then goals of care become deciding factor.

So my long-winded answer to your questions is that within two half-lives, you are likely starting to approach near normal, or at least reasonable spontaneous hemostasis. If you end up in a center that only has PCC, I think that likely has some effect and benefit in emergent setting. And in my bias, I remain cautious of Andexanet. It is a great agent when needed by surgeon for emergent intervention. But then risk of thrombosis later is real. Head to head study Andexanet vs. PCC. Andexanet is more effective but higher incidence thrombotic events.
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [RockyMtnChic] [ In reply to ]
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Hey lady. Status update requested. 5 days left of non weightbearing? How are you feeling?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Hey lady. Status update requested. 5 days left of non weightbearing? How are you feeling?

Hey Dr. T - thanks for checking in.
Knee is feeling good. I’ve got great range of motion - can fully flex and extend the leg - just slowly. Doing my old school Jazzercise exercises (running joke with my 20 something PT who doesn’t know what Jazzercise is) to try to keep some strength in it because damn that leg is weak. And honestly the PE has kicked my butt. I’m back to being exhausted from doing very little, but I know that will get better soon. Thank goodness for pain killers and blood thinners!

Harry: "I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this."
Loyd: "I was thinking the same thing. That John Denver's full of shit, man."
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [RockyMtnChic] [ In reply to ]
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Hey you. I think you can stand on your own two feet right now. I hope you can. How are you?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [RockyMtnChic] [ In reply to ]
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Checking in again. How are you?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [RockyMtnChic] [ In reply to ]
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Checking in on you again! How are you?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Checking in on you again! How are you?

These check ins with no response make me nervous for my fellow internet denizen.....

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [wannabefaster] [ In reply to ]
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wannabefaster wrote:
Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Checking in on you again! How are you?

These check ins with no response make me nervous for my fellow internet denizen.....

Sorry everybody!! I truly have just missed DTC’s check up q’s the last few weeks.

Doing good. The blood thinners are doing their job. The lung pain subsided in about 2 weeks. Same with the leg swelling/discoloration - those were gone in about a week. As WANNAB let me know might happen, it’s more a mental thing now. What’s going to happen in a couple more months when I stop the blood thinners? Things like that. But for now, I take the meds and just do my thing and am insanely grateful that it wasn’t worse and was caught and treatment started fairly quickly!

I’ve been given clearance to start walking with no crutches as tolerated - so I’m doing some walking without and some support later in the day with a single crutch. The knee is slowly coming along, the leg is just weak as hell so doing PT to strengthen it up. No leading with the right leg up stairs but if I lead with the left I can even make it up a flight of stairs.

For now, all is well!! Thanks for checking up and I’ll do better giving updates!!

Harry: "I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this."
Loyd: "I was thinking the same thing. That John Denver's full of shit, man."
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [wannabefaster] [ In reply to ]
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Checking in on you again! How are you?
These check ins with no response make me nervous for my fellow internet denizen.....

me too :-(

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [RockyMtnChic] [ In reply to ]
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So glad you are doing well!!!
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Tigerchik wrote:


Checking in on you again! How are you?
These check ins with no response make me nervous for my fellow internet denizen.....

me too :-(

I beat you by one post this morning with an update!! All is well😊❤️
(See post #59)

Harry: "I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this."
Loyd: "I was thinking the same thing. That John Denver's full of shit, man."
Last edited by: RockyMtnChic: May 26, 24 11:40
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [RockyMtnChic] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry everybody!! I truly have just missed DTC’s check up q’s the last few weeks.

Doing good. The blood thinners are doing their job. The lung pain subsided in about 2 weeks. Same with the leg swelling/discoloration - those were gone in about a week. As WANNAB let me know might happen, it’s more a mental thing now. What’s going to happen in a couple more months when I stop the blood thinners? Things like that. But for now, I take the meds and just do my thing and am insanely grateful that it wasn’t worse and was caught and treatment started fairly quickly!

I’ve been given clearance to start walking with no crutches as tolerated - so I’m doing some walking without and some support later in the day with a single crutch. The knee is slowly coming along, the leg is just weak as hell so doing PT to strengthen it up. No leading with the right leg up stairs but if I lead with the left I can even make it up a flight of stairs.

For now, all is well!! Thanks for checking up and I’ll do better giving updates!!

I'm just glad to hear from you and gladder that all is well! I know you're busy with kids. I don't mean to pester. We all just kinda care that you're ok, ya know?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Sorry everybody!! I truly have just missed DTC’s check up q’s the last few weeks.

Doing good. The blood thinners are doing their job. The lung pain subsided in about 2 weeks. Same with the leg swelling/discoloration - those were gone in about a week. As WANNAB let me know might happen, it’s more a mental thing now. What’s going to happen in a couple more months when I stop the blood thinners? Things like that. But for now, I take the meds and just do my thing and am insanely grateful that it wasn’t worse and was caught and treatment started fairly quickly!

I’ve been given clearance to start walking with no crutches as tolerated - so I’m doing some walking without and some support later in the day with a single crutch. The knee is slowly coming along, the leg is just weak as hell so doing PT to strengthen it up. No leading with the right leg up stairs but if I lead with the left I can even make it up a flight of stairs.

For now, all is well!! Thanks for checking up and I’ll do better giving updates!!

I'm just glad to hear from you and gladder that all is well! I know you're busy with kids. I don't mean to pester. We all just kinda care that you're ok, ya know?

So very appreciated!

Harry: "I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this."
Loyd: "I was thinking the same thing. That John Denver's full of shit, man."
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Re: Spent the night in the ER - Blood Clot [RockyMtnChic] [ In reply to ]
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RockyMtnChic wrote:
wannabefaster wrote:
Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
Checking in on you again! How are you?

These check ins with no response make me nervous for my fellow internet denizen.....

Sorry everybody!! I truly have just missed DTC’s check up q’s the last few weeks.

Doing good. The blood thinners are doing their job. The lung pain subsided in about 2 weeks. Same with the leg swelling/discoloration - those were gone in about a week. As WANNAB let me know might happen, it’s more a mental thing now. What’s going to happen in a couple more months when I stop the blood thinners? Things like that. But for now, I take the meds and just do my thing and am insanely grateful that it wasn’t worse and was caught and treatment started fairly quickly!

I’ve been given clearance to start walking with no crutches as tolerated - so I’m doing some walking without and some support later in the day with a single crutch. The knee is slowly coming along, the leg is just weak as hell so doing PT to strengthen it up. No leading with the right leg up stairs but if I lead with the left I can even make it up a flight of stairs.

For now, all is well!! Thanks for checking up and I’ll do better giving updates!!


None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.
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