2014 Speed Concept Draft Box

What good are gels back there :wink:

Seriously though, that is a lot.

Why is that a lot? Was Trek’s intention to not fill the draft box when they created it? Just trying to understand why you are saying that is alot. I have 2 tubes, 4 co2, a multi tool, air chuck, and still have a tiny towel folded up to take up the extra space. Lid was popping off with much less in box.

To the OPs question, you are going to have to tape it until Trek figures out a new design.

There is an updated lid that just recently came out to fix the problems with the lid popping off on a ride. Here is a link to the mention of the new lid :http://forum.slowtwitch.com/cgi-bin/gforum.cgi?post=5201408#5201408

the side tabs are the “big” thing…intended to aid in getting the lid on straight…there were some subtle changes to the opening tab as well.


I personally just use a small piece of electrical tape and have never had a problem since.

What good are gels back there :wink:

Seriously though, that is a lot.

I need 14 gels to ride 112 miles. 6 in the speed box, 6 in the draft box and 2 on me.

There is an updated lid that just recently came out to fix the problems with the lid popping off on a ride. Here is a link to the mention of the new lid :http://forum.slowtwitch.com/cgi-bin/gforum.cgi?post=5201408#5201408

the side tabs are the “big” thing…intended to aid in getting the lid on straight…there were some subtle changes to the opening tab as well.


I personally just use a small piece of electrical tape and have never had a problem since.

I wonder if they would ship me a new top since mine is obviously defective.

In that case, definitely tape it down. The necessary wipes will be a tough fit.

One thing I’ve noticed is that you have to be sure that the slot closest to the seat tube is seated properly. Ever since I’ve figured that out mine has been solid.

One thing I’ve noticed is that you have to be sure that the slot closest to the seat tube is seated properly. Ever since I’ve figured that out mine has been solid.

I will keep an eye on that.

That is a common, known problem. Trek has actually addressed it, and have issued a replacement lid under warranty. Your LBS should be able to get you a new one and maybe it will not pop off. My new lid came off on my first ride with it, so I just went back with two small pieces of tape. Good luck.

I am seeing Project One bikes that have this draft box painted to match the color of the bike (the non-black part) and others are just the “stock” grey color… anyone know what the deal is with this? Can you order it colored to match your bike if you go Project One?

… Can you order it colored to match your bike if you go Project One?
Huh? If you’re on ST then your bike has to be matte black, so the draft box already matches.

the lid sucks- either version. someone needs to come up with slick latch system- there have got to be some clever guys/gals who can figure this out. first lid- lost a crack pipe ($$. fortunately didn’t end up needing it during race); lid #2 lost my one tire lever on 70.3 (got lucky and didn’t need it) and had to come to a complete stop later in race to replace lid- again. it will be taped- until something better comes along.

How about lining the inside with a strip of velcro that goes from the lid to the box. That might help

the lid sucks- either version. someone needs to come up with slick latch system- there have got to be some clever guys/gals who can figure this out. first lid- lost a crack pipe ($$. fortunately didn’t end up needing it during race); lid #2 lost my one tire lever on 70.3 (got lucky and didn’t need it) and had to come to a complete stop later in race to replace lid- again. it will be taped- until something better comes along.

I use the neoprene bag liner from the original Speed Concept draft box. It haven’t had issues with the lid popping open. It is feasible to me that some people are having issues because things are bouncing inside the box and hitting the inside of the top.

What good are gels back there :wink:

Seriously though, that is a lot.

I need 14 gels to ride 112 miles. 6 in the speed box, 6 in the draft box and 2 on me.

FYI the Dark Speed Bag fits more than 6 gels.

What good are gels back there :wink:

Seriously though, that is a lot.

I need 14 gels to ride 112 miles. 6 in the speed box, 6 in the draft box and 2 on me.

Get the GU dispenser bottles. If I recall, 4-5 gels fit in one. Fill up 3 GU dispensers. One on the bike and 2 on you.

I am seeing Project One bikes that have this draft box painted to match the color of the bike (the non-black part) and others are just the “stock” grey color… anyone know what the deal is with this? Can you order it colored to match your bike if you go Project One?

i believe that even w/ the P1 options, they are no longer color matching them to the bike (started 3rd/4th quarter 2014)… everybody now gets the stock black gloss w/ grey/silver…

I am seeing Project One bikes that have this draft box painted to match the color of the bike (the non-black part) and others are just the “stock” grey color… anyone know what the deal is with this? Can you order it colored to match your bike if you go Project One?

i believe that even w/ the P1 options, they are no longer color matching them to the bike (started 3rd/4th quarter 2014)… everybody now gets the stock black gloss w/ grey/silver…

Think this is true… sucks. Seems like an easily customizable option for a $7K bike… Guess I’m just going to be on the look out for an all-black one. Better than black & grey.

I was the OP on this thread. I found it was still floating around.

I went to my LBS and told them the problem I was having with my draft box lid popping off. They were aware of the problem and said Trek is treating it as a warranty problem. I received the new draft box lid in about a week.

The replacement lid is solid. I will not pop off. Problem solved.

hey… could always rattle-can it… that screams $7-10k superbike.

I agree w/ you. I’m happy that I got mine before this change, and think that although there are/were likely some understandable justifications on Trek’s part as to why they’ve stopped this, it seems like one of those details that should not have been sacrificed. Especially for bikes with more intricate and creative paint color combos, it really takes the quality/attention to detail factor “up to 11…”

Unless they are willing to alter the stock one to completely black (like the speed box, bta cage, etc), I think they need to keep customizing them. That silver/grey is just offensive IMO…