Goggles Over/Under Swim Cap?

Hey guys just wanted to see how others feel about the goggle over or under swim cap debate. I’m leaning towards under as the swim portion of races I’ve heard can get a bit hairy at time. Figured the extra tension surrounding them will help keep them in place. That being said I’ve been watching Kona races of old (2011, 2012, 2013) and notice that most of the professional field have them on top of their caps.

What is the ST opinion on this? Is it more of a personal preference or are their pros/cons to each approach I’m not considering?

For training, over. For races, under.

In races, it also helps peel the cap off easily.

I’m concerned that it will be harder to clear and adjust me goggles if under my cap.

I’m concerned that it will be harder to clear and adjust me goggles if under my cap.

Never had a problem with it.

Is it more of a personal preference or are their pros/cons to each approach I’m not considering?

Yes, and yes. There are pros/cons to each style, and it comes down to personal preference.

For training, over. For races, under.

In races, it also helps peel the cap off easily.

x2 but I also train some with them under the cap just to get a feel for race day

I always put them under that cap. I have heard stories about people having their caps ripped off their heads during races, thus if you have your goggles over the cap, say goodbye to them. If you have the goggles under the cap and your lose it, at least your goggles have a decent chances of staying on your head.

As for keeping them clean, never had a problem either. Good luck!

I should add the reason I go under the cap for races …I feel that it is less likely to get them knocked off

I always swim with goggles under cap. The grip of the cap helps the strap stay put, and it feels more secure. Never had a problem adjusting them, which isn’t very often with swedes and Nootca goggles.

For training, over. For races, under.

In races, it also helps peel the cap off easily.


For training, over. For races, under.

In races, it also helps peel the cap off easily.

Huh, this is the exact same reason I put the goggles over my cap for races. I can peel both cap and goggles at the same time with 1 hand while the goggles are magically stored inside the cap.

I train with goggles over cap. Race with my goggles under, with hopes that I am less likely to lose my goggles.

For training, over. For races, under.

In races, it also helps peel the cap off easily.




under. my goggle straps don’t stay in place if they are over.

I watched a swim competition on TV the other day. Why did some of the olympic/college swimmers wear 2 caps, goggles in between the caps?

Under. Used to where them over and had them knocked off my face in a race. Never again.

Does anybody wear silicone dome caps to their races? I was planning on wearing one beneath my latex event cap as I’m not partial to how latex caps feel. Is this a good idea or will it just add to the time in transition?

I always put them under that cap. I have heard stories about people having their caps ripped off their heads during races, thus if you have your goggles over the cap, say goodbye to them. If you have the goggles under the cap and your lose it, at least your goggles have a decent chances of staying on your head.

As for keeping them clean, never had a problem either. Good luck!

Most of the time they get “Ripped” off or “accidentally” fall off it is in warm water and “losing” the cap provides a significant cooling benefit! :slight_smile:


I find the opposite - goggle straps slide down over my hair, but the cap is more sticky and keeps them in place. Sometimes (especially if cold) I wear two caps in races, then the goggle strap goes over the first one, and under the 2nd.
