Basso's sister - her "assets" are all real. I know

You sure you didnt copy that from Penthouse?

I agree with Record. if there are no pics it never happened.

I did get pics, but my wife took them with her this week on her trip to New York. We usually share those types of things. I’ll post em when I get back.

we will be waitig then we can give you a thumbs up, wink, pat on the back, way to go…etc

If your wife doesn’t approve it’s only because of her own insecurities. I would not let her interfere in your other relationships. Seriously, it’s none of her business what you do in your own time.

ROFLMAO, yeah what he said

Well, I have to say that if that’s not a “Dear Penthouse Forum” fantasy, then you should NEVER buy a lottery ticket EVER… because you have used up every bit of good luck you will ever have.

No pics, it did not happen.

Now THAT’S a story if I ever heard one. More like a wet dream and wishful thinking. If you guys believe THAT story, you’re about as gullable as they come!!

Yeah, I’m sure her husband was fine with it too.

Yeah, I’m sure her husband was fine with it too.
He seemed fine when he slapped me on the ass and said “your seat’s too high” as he was watching the two of us.

I thought she only had a boyfriend…Eddie Mazzonlini (sp?)

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With that said – they look real to me. (I do consider myself an expert)

Are we going to need a Penthouse forum now?

I don’t see what the big deal is real or fake. I highlight my hair, therefore its “fake” I guess. If someone wants bigger boobs and has the cash to pay for them, more power to her…kj

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With that said – they look real to me. (I do consider myself an expert)
That lower tatoo is my name in Japanese. She had it done a month or so after our encounter.


that’s Japanese for “Team Linguica”

I can’t believe that those look real to you. Real nice, but not real. There have been a few other pictures where it is very obvious–the line of demacation between the top of the breast and the upper chest when she is wearing a bra.

I can’t believe that those look real to you. Real nice, but not real. There have been a few other pictures where it is very obvious–the line of demacation between the top of the breast and the upper chest when she is wearing a bra.

Is it just me, or is that a surgical scar around the bottom half of the areola?

Not that I was staring or anything…

Yes. And I was staring.