Franken nails O'Reilly again

Fox News is logical response to other News Media. Actually that chick in the clip is Al Franken in drag. What’s with the big blue coffee cup? I think it is phallic symbollism.

By the way, your favorite website really suggests you are in the mainstream.

I agree with you on much of what you said about dishonesty and hypocrisy, and getting your information solely from one source. However, how can you claim Fox News sucks when you, by your own admission, don’t have a TV and this leftwing website, again by your own admission, is your favorite.

I couldn’t get the movie to play, but the text intro was informative. Neither O’Reilly nor Hannity claim to be journalists. They are commentators. We are not talking about a subtle difference here.

it’s not clear for most people

And that’s too damn bad that they are too lazy to find out what the difference is between a commentator and a news anchor. It’s a pretty clear difference.

If I don’t know the difference between left and right and I don’t think people should be expected to point it out to me everytime I need the information. I expect to go out and freaking figure it out for myself.

Thanks for making my point. You asked “Hows that?” when I suggested that you are out there. Again, you were the one who said you don’t watch TV either. But the fact that and NY Times is your source of news speaks volumes on which side of the plate you are swinging.

O’Reilly may be guilting of dubious editing of tape, but have you ever heard of 60 Minutes. Oh, I forgot you do not watch TV nor own one.

“see, i’m from europe … we’re more subtle than that.”

How about more confused.

i like the way you are hanging in there and sticking to your values.

seamus “would rather be in dingle, county kerry than milwaukee, wisconsin except during our world-famous irish fest.”

I’m glad you admit O’reilly is guilty of editing tape to create the image he wants you to see, instead of the reasonable rational point of view that Biden conveyed to anyone with an attention span longer than 15 seconds.

he’s guilty of intellectual plagiarism too, that , and just being a total asshole.

Apparently O’Reilly doesn’t parse the difference between journalist and commentator as you do.

From his website:

Whether it is on television or radio, in books, in newspapers, or here on the web, the name Bill O’Reilly is synonymous with hard hitting, uncompromising No Spin reporting and analysis.

For some thirty years Bill has been a working journalist: a writer, news producer and reporter, anchor, and show host. His numerous awards include two Emmy Awards for Excellence In Reporting and two National headliner Awards for his news reporting for the ABC network. O’Reilly was also honored by The National Academy of Arts and Sciences for his reporting and analysis on and after September 11th, 2001.

Apparently he really does see himself as a purveyor of truth, a journalist with no held biases.

What a fucking joke.

Does the term reporting and analysis have any meaning to you? Where do you get the idea he presents himself as having no biases? He puts his opinions right up front on his show every night. There is no pretense about it.

You really need to take some listening lessons.

Perhaps you should take reading lessons as well.

For a guy who proclaims his show the “No-Spin Zone”, I would read that to mean he suggests that he has no biases, and thus makes him more a journalist than commentator.

So I think when you actually name your show some kind of zone, there is quite a pretense to it.

You can read it to mean whatever you want, but perhaps you should try reading and writing the English language for a change. The show is well named in that he has little patience for those who don’t answer questions or retreat to talking points. To suggest that he pretends to be objective or doesn’t put his positions front and center is just ignorant.

He doesn’t present himself as an objective journalist any more than Hannity or Franken.

Most people hear “no spin” and take that to mean “no opinions, just facts” and that is not what that man does. His mantra of “no spin” doesn’t make that clear, but if you listen to him he clearly is peddling opinion mixed in with facts.

I personally love it when he attacks Republicans for not being Republican enough. I find it humorous for a man who takes so much pride in going his own way that he derides Republicans for bucking the party line. (though he will say he’s not a Republican, but a Conservative)

being half a frog, I sure don’t like Fox news…specially O’Reilly (who probably doesn’t believe half what he says, and says that for one reason only…audience)
But, the other channels (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) are unfortunately not any better…too much crap everywhere, too much Entertainment crap, too much sports, too US-centered…
in short, they all suck…