Nimble Crosswind wheels

Does anyone have any experience with Nimble Crosswind wheels? Similar to the HED 3 in design…trispoke. Their website has very promising aero benefits, but is anyone actually riding them?

I just went for my first ride on mine yesterday. It was my first experience with racewheels of any kind so I have no comparison other than my training wheels which are the Velocity Deep Vs with Michilin Axial Pro’s. I did not have my magnet attached yesterday, but I was riding with a training partner who I ride with often who monitored our speed, and rode on a course I often ride on. I noticed almost 1mph difference in my average speed and my buddy said he was having trouble keeping up even drafting me in aero. Don’t know if he was just blowin smoke, but they definately felt faster. I know this isn’t really scientific, but I hope it helps.


They are very light. I tried a rear wheel only and did not see measureable improvements in my testing of them, but, I wasn’t in a wind tunnel. However, my similar testing of the H3 as well as the Alps, both showed measurable improvements in my testing. I have no experience with Zipp or any other “aero wheels”. The Nimble people were extremely professional and helpful as I tried to find a way to get better numbers when riding on the crosswind, but, it didn’t work for my particular setup. Perhaps on other people’s setups, they would get the opposite result…it’s hard to determine. Like most any equipment like this, it’s always better to get a test ride or period of testing before buying.

My 0.02 cents. I’ve got a set of Nimbles. Crosswind rear/fly front. I love them. This is second season on them. The folks at Nimble are super professional, nice and helpful. I don’t have experience with other similar caliber wheelsets. However, I’m certain these will not be a limiter to race speeds. Plus they compare favorably on price to Corima’s for example.


I don’t discount the significance of having a buddy that you are used to riding with, saying he has trouble drafting behind you downhill, when previously he didn’t have trouble drafting you. I sounds like you are faster on your Nimble than you were on your Velocitys.

This is one of the things that happened to me, but I got the comments from the two I train with that said the opposite…“Why are we now outcoasting you downhill? You have always out-coasted us before.” (I’m heavier).

Coasting speed isn’t the only measure of wheel effectiveness; weight, weight distribution, bearings, terrain, handling, stiffness, handling in crosswinds, reliability, etc., all have important roles to play. But, coasting is the best poor-man’s wind tunnel that I know of. If a Hed 3 on the front causes handling problems for you in a crosswind, and if a Crosswind by Nimble doesn’t cause you this problem, the Crosswind may be a better wheel for you, even if it is slower in a coasting test by virtue of Hed 3’s aerodynamics (however, remember that I don’t know if H3 is in fact better aerodynamically than the Nimble, it just looked that way to me on my setup at the time).

One test I did where the Nimble seemed to outperform my Mavic Open Pro, was a longer hill climb. Was this due to stiffness? Weight? Weight distribution? I don’t know.

Whatever the answer is, it’s a cool-looking wheel that looks well made, and they are very professional and helpful if you have questions/problems.

I just wanted to clarify that I live in Florida, so there are no hills :slight_smile: My training partner was having trouble keeping up with me on the flats, uphill (up-bridge) and downhill (downbridge), basically the whole ride. The interesting thing was that my HR was about 3 beats lower than I normally do that ride in and I was going faster. I’m pretty new to all this, and like I said, this is my first set of race wheels so I haven’t done any testing but like you said I’m faster on the Nimbles than on the Velocitys. They also make my bike look a lot cooler, which we all know is the most important thing :slight_smile: Fortunately I have not had any problems yet, so I haven’t had to contact Nimble directly (got the wheels from a friend) but I have also heard that they are very helpful and professional.

I have to say that I have learned quite a bit from this forum. You guys really know your stuff.


I bought a pair of Crosswinds several years ago and love them. I originally got them as I wanted something light yet very sturdy (was fed up with popping spokes on my Zipps). In the flats they are a dream, faster than my Ksyriums. Great for climbing as well. I’ve used them in windy races (IM Lanz) and never had a problem. Overall very good wheels.

I was just looking at the and

Assuming that the aero data is correct on both sites, the nimble and the h3 are basically equal for head on drag. (88g/454g vs. 0.28lbs)

The difference comes when you look at the 20 degree yaw angles. the h3 remains at sub 0.35lbs, which is .35 * 2.2 = 70 grams (approx)

The nimble cw is 300+ grams, which is 0.75lbs. The difference isnt that much, but is probably significant. i think the difference may be due to the shallower rim for the crosswinds (30-39mm vs 55 for the h3), as well as the “variable” spoke depth.

Just a though. interesting though, they are priced more than a set of h3’s are. ($1300 vs $900-1000)

Let’s get things straight. I am the training partner, and yes, I was working hard to keep your wheel. However, since you put your wheels together, I was hanging back ON PURPOSE, just in case your darn bike came apart. I needed some room to brake before flatting on the carnage (forget about running into you, my new QR would be scratched).

Seriously, you did seem faster, even if things were a bit loose. Now that the pedals are squared away, you’ll fly in Clermont. Let’s get your magnet on those beasts and see what the speeds are. If your HR is down, that’s the best benefit I think.

Cheers, Matt

Sorry training partner, didn’t realize I was slowing you down :slight_smile: I was wondering what you were doing back there after kicking my butt up and down the road a few days earlier. Just going by what you said bro, didn’t mean to imply you were slow or anything. I definately felt faster on those things, and we’ll see if tightening and lubing things up helps any more. I’ll let you ride in front from now on emmet :slight_smile: wouldn’t want to scratch your bike (which is very nice btw) - I’m expendable, spare the bike!


Ha! Road rash heals, but paint scratches are permanent!