Post knee surgery running advice needed

I’ll be joining you soon, just had my knee scoped on Friday for a meniscus tear. I would say go for frequency first, then add time once you are up to 5 short runs per week. Did you do any aqua jogging before week 5?

thats what I was leaning towards also…

yes, I did about 2 x 20 minutes of aqua jogging in weeks 3 and 4. That’s about all the boredom i could take. I also did a few sessions on the elliptical…

Just curious…you’re in Oceanside right?? So am I. Who did your knee…send me a PM if you’re not comfortable posting your doc’s name on ST.


Dr. Skyhar at Core Orthopedics in Encinitas. He also does a lot of work on a bunch of the pro surfers, skateboarders and snowboarders in the area. I’ve now had both knees done and SKyhar didn’t do the first one, wish he had. This time was soooo much better then the last that I had done 6 years ago when I lived in Mobile, AL

I’ve heard lots of great things about him. Dr. Pat Padilla in Encinitas did mine…so far so good.

Hey Thanks for sharing your run progression with us. I just had my knee scoped 3 weeks ago for a tear as well. I think I’ll be able to run soon too. I’m still sore on impact. I can do everything but run.

Mike I did some water running and elliptical during the first week. My doctor wanted me to wait 3 days before I got in the water. I put waterproof bandaids on over the sutures. After the sutures were out(day 13) I had to wait 2 more days before getting in the water. Hope you feel better soon! Patty

I go back in this afternoon for a post op consultation and hopefully get the green light to something/anything this week or maybe next week since I have a lot of travel this week.

JP, I have also heard good things about Pat, he would have been my second choice had I not already been working with Dr. Skyhar.

I’m in week six and ran about 10 miles last week ~ 1.2, 2, 0, 3.2, 3.5 and 0. The prior week I did several light jogs from 50-300 meters and two treadmill runs of .5 and 1 mile.

I’ve done a lot of stretching and ROM, isometric leg extensions, one-leg squats pointing the free leg to the front and, 30°, 90°, 120° 180°, standing on Bosu or Dyna Disc, leg curls, supine hip extension with and without my foot on a medicine ball and one legged eccentric leg press (press with two, lower with one over a short ROM which gets longer each time I do it.)

I get weird pains from time to time, but none while running.

Biggest problem after surgery is re-recruiting muscles and gaining stability. I’ve also done one-leg extensions and leg curls turning the foot about 30-45° in order to cause controlled lateral stress.

Deep tissue work is good as well.

I started running at 8 weeks (had some pain at 5 weeks, probably because I did not go to rehab) and started doing 200-yard “sprints” on grass by the 9th week. The knee is fine. Good luck with yours.

just got back from my post op appointment (surgery was Friday) and the doctor was very optimistic. I asked about what I could do when and prefaced by saying I thought maybe I could start running the beginning of December and he said I would be running before then. Apparently my surgery went very well and it was only a radial tear which was a lot easier to work with. Required only a 30% removal (had a 70% on my right knee 6 years ago). The sutures come out next Monday and he said two days after that I could start back in the pool, swimming an aqua jogging. Later this week back on the bike for short easy rides. He did say to keep icing it for the next couple of weeks to make sure the bit of swelling that is still there is controlled.

that’s good news…

Good luck with the healing! Do you have a cold therapy machine?..mine was invaluable to my recovery. Hope you’re back up to speed quickly…since we’re both in Oceanside, we should hook up for a ride when you’re back on the roads.

no, I didn’t opt for the cold machine since my insurance wouldn’t cover it. Just using the ice packs instead. Once I am on the road again, definetely on for a ride. Do you swim at Brooks Street?

I hear you about the insurance…mine wouldn’t cover it either, but I struck a deal with the dealer to sell me one for $195 instead of the $400 they charge the insurance companies. my doc said it would help a lot, which it did. If you’re interested, I can PM you the dealer’s contact info…you’ll probably need your doc to give them a prescription, but once he does, they can deliver it to your house.

I swim with masters group at the Mottino YMCA, never been to Brooks Street actually.

Sorry for pulling this slightly off topic, but could someone explain what surgery you guys had on your knees? Knee scope was it? I might be dealing with the same thing, as my doctor thinks I could have a miniscal tear. Thanks.

i had a lateral release to repair a patella alignment problem, they also cleaned up some damaged cartilege. It was done arthroscopically, took about 2 hrs.

My wife tore both her ACL and minuscus playing softball and is having her knee scoped tomorrow. for a great site to learn more go to

mine was meniscus surgery both times

As a veteran of two knee surgeries, major ruptured petella tendon and a small maniscus tear on the left and a large flapping maniscus tear on the right, I recommend that now that you have damaged and repaired knees you change the way you train. Before surgery I used to love running through the City (NYC), on the streets and sidewalks, then changing clothes and going to work. Now I keep all training runs on soft surfaces; grass, trails or a cushioned track. I also try to ice the knees as often as I can after a run. This is working and keeping my knees in pretty good working order. It’s not convient like running where ever you are and it takes planning but my knees are feeling just fine.

I’ve been running mornings at a beautiful cushioned track in Astoria Park under the Tribore Bridge but now I just got moved to a jobsight in Greenpoint Brooklyn and found a great place to run on the grass before work. Watch for my post tomorrow with pictures. It’s a hoot!

I had medial meniscus tear (removed 60% of posterior horn) last may. It went fine and started running again july. but encountered problem in other leg with patella about 3 weeks ago. it seems to be getting better with rest, but how long did you rest/rehab before you went to doctor for diagnosis. mine is not debilitating pain just when i walk upstairs; but having sat out last tri season and being 58 i don’t have much time left and would hate to lose another early season (st. anthony’s). any thoughts…

ps you have nice website & best of luck

thanks and your advice is well-heeded. I’ve made a concerted effort to do more of my running on trails as opposed to concrete. I also am working on my form to focus on turnover and more of a midfoot strike instead of the plodding, heel first stride I’ve always had.

I gave struggled with the pain for about 3 months. ran w/it for one month, rested for one month, then tried to come back for another month with no success when i decided to see a dr.

My advice is to find a good sports doc and see him/her sooner rather than later. if you’re in San Diego, I can recommend a couple.

thanks for checking out my site…:slight_smile: