WILDFLOWER 2014--no water?

Accdg to this site, no change. 5% capacity

I heard rains are coming this week so hoping it gets some water in by race period. I’m planning to visit the area next month to check out the long course route and I’m hoping the water is sufficient enough.

I heard rains are coming this week so hoping it gets some water in by race period.The last NorCal dump only hit the Bay Area and barely made a splash around Lake San Antonio. This time the forecast is 100% rain on Friday / 70% on Saturday.

Its raining in the Bay Area already this morning. Have heard weather reports saying that Central and Souther Cal will get good rainfall from this storm system, so fingers crossed for good amounts! Of course, it is needed for much more than the race :slight_smile:

Its raining in the Bay Area already this morning. Have heard weather reports saying that Central and Souther Cal will get good rainfall from this storm system, so fingers crossed for good amounts! Of course, it is needed for much more than the race :slight_smile:

Drop in a bucket.
It would need to rain on and off all the way to race day to restore the reservoir.

Drought is still upon us.

Just heared they moved the USAP races (Silicon Valley International) to HMB.
Smart move, IMHO.

drop in the bucket for sure. There’s almost no way there will be any significant change in the water level this year. We’re already through February and it’s not like there’s a bunch of storms are lined up to dump for the next month. On top of that, there’s really no snowpack to speak of so spring run-off is going to be really light as well.

They say they’re going to run the race regardless of conditions. I’m skipping it, that lake has been so low for so long now that it cannot be healthy to swim in.

Lake San Antonio fills exclusively via rain water from the nearby watershed. No showfall run-off to speak of that supplies the lake. The watershed is also not very expansive, it fills at 1/4 the rate of nearby Lake Nacimiento. Its going to be a tough act to put lipstick on this pig.

San Antonio isn’t so low only because of the dry year. http://www.thecalifornian.com/article/20131123/NEWS01/311230020/Rainless-year-licks-Lake-San-Antonio-dry

Compounding the problem, the Lake Nacimiento reservoir had to be shut down for safety reasons during repairs to a key generator damaged when a piece of an intake valve came loose and was sucked into the generator’s innards. Yet the Salinas River must flow to maintain groundwater recharging, fisheries habitat and recycled irrigation water in the northwestern part of the county. That meant switching entirely to Lake San Antonio to keep the river moving over the summer.

According to the Tri-California Events website there is a practice swim course on the south end of the lake near Harris creek that should be long enough for the swim.

Anybody know if Lake San Antonio has been getting the rain these last few days?

No change from last week’s weather, still 5%


Better odds for swim venue at Auburn Tri, May 18. Two-thirds of volume needed as of yesterday.

So, has all this rain helped the lake level at all? Could not seem to find anything on the net


So, has all this rain helped the lake level at all? Could not seem to find anything on the net.http://www.mcwra.co.monterey.ca.us/reservoir_data/documents/ReservoirData.pdf

Wow, so much rain and so little change. Went from 3 to 4%.


You need to wait for all the other water to flow down from the hills or wherever is feeding the reservoir. Even if it doesn’t rain, it’ll continue to rise for a while.

You need to wait for all the other water to flow down from the hills or wherever is feeding the reservoir. Even if it doesn’t rain, it’ll continue to rise for a while.

I think these are filled from rain right there, just like the lake I am on. I do not believe there is a “river” that goes through but I could be wrong. Looks like these storms
still might be missing the middle of the state.



I think it will take substantially more than that recent storm.

I didn’t know this till I just looked it up- the San Antonio river flows into the lake-it’s the river they dammed to make to make the reservoir in the 60’s- it not a natural lake. I was just curious because i hope there is a lot more water in it by May.

I didn’t know this till I just looked it up- the San Antonio river flows into the lake-it’s the river they dammed to make to make the reservoir in the 60’s- it not a natural lake. I was just curious because i hope there is a lot more water in it by May.

what flows into the river? I am assuming this is a very small river?

They did not get any water last year and with all these storms and they do not seem to have gotten much yet, I wonder what kind of weather normally fills it.
