President Thin Skin to skip White House Correspondents dinner

**Who has ever been more ridiculed and made more fun of than Trump it has been endless for a year. **

Who has ever deserved it more?

I was no fan of BO- the endless lying , race baiting, lack of national security, and doubling our national debt… I can’t imagine any Prez. doing more damage to this country. Yet 5% of the ridicule compared to Trump.

**Who has ever been more ridiculed and made more fun of than Trump it has been endless for a year. **

Who has ever deserved it more?

I was no fan of BO- the endless lying , race baiting, lack of national security, and doubling our national debt… I can’t imagine any Prez. doing more damage to this country. Yet 5% of the ridicule compared to Trump.

youre on crack.

I was no fan of BO- the endless lying , race baiting, lack of national security, and doubling our national debt… I can’t imagine any Prez. doing more damage to this country. Yet 5% of the ridicule compared to Trump.

First, how many of those things did Obama do in the first 30 days of his administration?

Second, how can you fault Obama for national security? How many terrorist attacks occurred on his watch? How could he have done better than that?

I was no fan of BO- the endless lying , race baiting, lack of national security, and doubling our national debt… I can’t imagine any Prez. doing more damage to this country. Yet 5% of the ridicule compared to Trump.

First, how many of those things did Obama do in the first 30 days of his administration?

Second, how can you fault Obama for national security? How many terrorist attacks occurred on his watch? How could he have done better than that?

He sure didn’t do a very good job securing our borders or handle the “J.V. team” .
There was once something known as the honeymoon period. Not so much for the Trumpster.

Not that a Prez. can completly control this but you asked.

It may have actually been the best thing for him to do since he is so petty and vicious. Attending probably would have worsened his relationship with the media and would have made him look worse (still possible).

It is sad that he has to be handled like an emo teenager.

I’m not up to speed on emo kids these days. Are we supposed to ridicule them, or ignore them?

He sure didn’t do a very good job securing our borders or handle the “J.V. team” .

Trump is calling for an increase in defense spending by $54 billion and said he will bomb the shit out of ISIS. It’s like he’s been asleep for the last 15 years and woke up thinking bombing a group from 30,000’ while they hide in cities is actually going to work and make the Muslim world love America.

The mindset baffles me to no end. The current defense budget is about $600 Billion and in Trump’s own words, everything is a disaster. So what would be the smart thing to do? Maybe, look at ways to provide security without all the big ticket items like fighter jets or having military bases in 150 countries etc? Maybe getting out of countries where you do more harm than good? Maybe stop trying to force the Muslim world to love you while pointing a gun at them?

No. Trump’s solution is to bomb the shit out of ISIS and win. Trump is in way over his head and he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in learning about past mistakes. It would be a compliment to Trump to say he is on the J.V team.

He sure didn’t do a very good job securing our borders or handle the “J.V. team” .

Trump is calling for an increase in defense spending by $54 billion and said he will bomb the shit out of ISIS. It’s like he’s been asleep for the last 15 years and woke up thinking bombing a group from 30,000’ while they hide in cities is actually going to work and make the Muslim world love America.

The mindset baffles me to no end. The current defense budget is about $600 Billion and in Trump’s own words, everything is a disaster. So what would be the smart thing to do? Maybe, look at ways to provide security without all the big ticket items like fighter jets or having military bases in 150 countries etc? Maybe getting out of countries where you do more harm than good? Maybe stop trying to force the Muslim world to love you while pointing a gun at them?

No. Trump’s solution is to bomb the shit out of ISIS and win. Trump is in way over his head and he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in learning about past mistakes. It would be a compliment to Trump to say he is on the J.V team.

The question is what Plan To Defeat ISIS ™ will the generals come up with? Were they told “come up with a plan that involves bombing the shit out of ISIS”? What was their deadline for presenting this plan?

The only plan I can imagine that won’t leave us in a less-secure position would probably take 40-50 years to complete, has nothing to do with bombing, and is more dependent on changing our own culture than theirs.

He sure didn’t do a very good job securing our borders or handle the “J.V. team” .

Trump is calling for an increase in defense spending by $54 billion and said he will bomb the shit out of ISIS. It’s like he’s been asleep for the last 15 years and woke up thinking bombing a group from 30,000’ while they hide in cities is actually going to work and make the Muslim world love America.

The mindset baffles me to no end. The current defense budget is about $600 Billion and in Trump’s own words, everything is a disaster. So what would be the smart thing to do? Maybe, look at ways to provide security without all the big ticket items like fighter jets or having military bases in 150 countries etc? Maybe getting out of countries where you do more harm than good? Maybe stop trying to force the Muslim world to love you while pointing a gun at them?

No. Trump’s solution is to bomb the shit out of ISIS and win. Trump is in way over his head and he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in learning about past mistakes. It would be a compliment to Trump to say he is on the J.V team.

Well, duhhh. Give them more money, of course.

The only plan I can imagine that won’t leave us in a less-secure position would probably take 40-50 years to complete, has nothing to do with bombing, and is more dependent on changing our own culture than theirs.

I agree but there is no way Trump is going to say that. He wants to “win” this year.

I’m also curious to see how the Republican Congress deals with a proposed increase in military spending of $54B with no offsetting cuts in SS programs. From what I’ve seen so far, the cuts are going to come across the board, not sure how that will come close to $54B.** **Maybe he thinks he can just file for bankruptcy again…

The only plan I can imagine that won’t leave us in a less-secure position would probably take 40-50 years to complete, has nothing to do with bombing, and is more dependent on changing our own culture than theirs.

I agree but there is no way Trump is going to say that. He wants to “win” this year.

I’m also curious to see how the Republican Congress deals with a proposed increase in military spending of $54B with no offsetting cuts in SS programs. From what I’ve seen so far, the cuts are going to come across the board, not sure how that will come close to $54B.** **Maybe he thinks he can just file for bankruptcy again…

I’m pretty sure Mexico is going to pay for all of it.

He sure didn’t do a very good job securing our borders or handle the “J.V. team” .

Trump is calling for an increase in defense spending by $54 billion and said he will bomb the shit out of ISIS. It’s like he’s been asleep for the last 15 years and woke up thinking bombing a group from 30,000’ while they hide in cities is actually going to work and make the Muslim world love America.

The mindset baffles me to no end. The current defense budget is about $600 Billion and in Trump’s own words, everything is a disaster. So what would be the smart thing to do? Maybe, look at ways to provide security without all the big ticket items like fighter jets or having military bases in 150 countries etc? Maybe getting out of countries where you do more harm than good? Maybe stop trying to force the Muslim world to love you while pointing a gun at them?

No. Trump’s solution is to bomb the shit out of ISIS and win. Trump is in way over his head and he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in learning about past mistakes. It would be a compliment to Trump to say he is on the J.V team.

The question is what Plan To Defeat ISIS ™ will the generals come up with? Were they told “come up with a plan that involves bombing the shit out of ISIS”? What was their deadline for presenting this plan?

The only plan I can imagine that won’t leave us in a less-secure position would probably take 40-50 years to complete, has nothing to do with bombing, and is more dependent on changing our own culture than theirs.

You must have missed his presser last week (well, we know you did). He clearly stated that military plans would stay secret unlike the last guy who loved to tell the enemy the military plans.

He clearly stated that military plans would stay secret unlike the last guy who loved to tell the enemy the military plans.

then why didnt osama get out of his compound?

No. Trump’s solution is to bomb the shit out of ISIS and win. Trump is in way over his head and he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in learning about past mistakes. It would be a compliment to Trump to say he is on the J.V team.

Trump talks like he’s in a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood Hollywood western. It’s all tough talk of “Bad guys”, “Bad hombres”, “Bombing the shit out of them”, etc . .

It’s offensive language. And has probably set-back any kind of diplomatic progress that has been made in these either individual of collective issues and conflicts, by many years!

He sure didn’t do a very good job securing our borders or handle the “J.V. team” .

Trump is calling for an increase in defense spending by $54 billion and said he will bomb the shit out of ISIS. It’s like he’s been asleep for the last 15 years and woke up thinking bombing a group from 30,000’ while they hide in cities is actually going to work and make the Muslim world love America.

The mindset baffles me to no end. The current defense budget is about $600 Billion and in Trump’s own words, everything is a disaster. So what would be the smart thing to do? Maybe, look at ways to provide security without all the big ticket items like fighter jets or having military bases in 150 countries etc? Maybe getting out of countries where you do more harm than good? Maybe stop trying to force the Muslim world to love you while pointing a gun at them?

No. Trump’s solution is to bomb the shit out of ISIS and win. Trump is in way over his head and he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in learning about past mistakes. It would be a compliment to Trump to say he is on the J.V team.

The question is what Plan To Defeat ISIS ™ will the generals come up with? Were they told “come up with a plan that involves bombing the shit out of ISIS”? What was their deadline for presenting this plan?

The only plan I can imagine that won’t leave us in a less-secure position would probably take 40-50 years to complete, has nothing to do with bombing, and is more dependent on changing our own culture than theirs.

Before his 30 day General’s plan Trump had his secret fool proof plan for ISIS.

“I do know what to do, and I would know how to bring ISIS to the table or, beyond that, defeat ISIS very quickly,” Trump said on Fox News Channel’s** “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”** “And I’m not gonna tell you what it is tonight.”

Host Greta Van Susteren immediately asked, “Why won’t you tell? We need all the help we can get.”

“I don’t want the enemy to know what I’m doing,” Trump replied. “Unfortunately, I’ll probably have to tell at some point, but there is a method of defeating them quickly and effectively and having total victory.”

The best word in this quote is “Unfortunately”

Why does everyone insist that less than half the country voted for Trump? Perhaps based on those who VOTED…but with a voter percentage at 55% of eligible voters in the country (, it was hardly MORE than “half the country” that voted FOR HRC.

The WHCD has been nothing but a gathering of the pathetic , incestuous so-called journalists that want to feel like their a branch of government. No one that voted for Trump gives a fuck about it .
Trump (and his supporters) can continue to blame the “so-called journalists”, “so-called judges”, and “lying media” for everything that doesn’t go their way, and none of them will continue to give a fuck about it. But that’s less than half of the country.

Trump has missed a chance to play to his supporters (and possibly to take down some of his critics) by ducking this dinner. He could have made it all about himself. Now, he simply looks like someone unable to face anyone other than a group made up of carefully screened supporters.
I don’t think a single supporter would be watching.
His supporters maybe less than half the country but it’s much more than half of the ones who are engaged or that have skin in the game.
I’d say way less than half the country even knows what the WHCD is . And out those that do know , most would agree that Its a waste of tax payer money and has been nothing but a mock and bash conservatives /praise and worship progressives celebration for years. Should be shut down.

He clearly stated that military plans would stay secret unlike the last guy who loved to tell the enemy the military plans.

then why didnt osama get out of his compound?

Before his 30 day General’s plan Trump had his secret fool proof plan for ISIS.

I like how some people think it is a good idea to not share any war plans so you can “surprise” ISIS.

Imagine if Trump did go ahead and secretly start bombing ISIS, just to surprise them. Then imagine if things go wrong and there are a lot of U.S casualties. How would Congress and the American public react to Trump’s unilateral decision?

Why does everyone insist that less than half the country voted for Trump? Perhaps based on those who VOTED…but with a voter percentage at 55% of eligible voters in the country (, it was hardly MORE than “half the country” that voted FOR HRC.

Are you seriously struggling w/ the fact she got more votes than he did? Yes, I’m aware that we have a system which gives different blocs of votes unequal weight so you can win the race w/ fewer votes than your opponent, but now that the election has been decided and we’ve moved on to arguing about how much “support” the winner has/deserves, then it’s easier to make the claim that the candidate who got fewer votes has less overall support. It’s really not that complicated.

Why does everyone insist that less than half the country voted for Trump? Perhaps based on those who VOTED…but with a voter percentage at 55% of eligible voters in the country (, it was hardly MORE than “half the country” that voted FOR HRC.

Are you seriously struggling w/ the fact she got more votes than he did? Yes, I’m aware that we have a system which gives different blocs of votes unequal weight so you can win the race w/ fewer votes than your opponent, but now that the election has been decided and we’ve moved on to arguing about how much “support” the winner has/deserves, then it’s easier to make the claim that the candidate who got fewer votes has less overall support. It’s really not that complicated.

No “struggle”…just stating an opinion based on (once again) seeing someone state that less than half the country voted for Trump. Hey, I’m Libertarian…so I think they are both horrible candidates in their own unique ways, but let’s not inflate the interpretation of the vote count to serve one’s own purposes.