2016 ST Womens Camp

Come on womens, the last few weeks it has been like spring/summer around here. You are going to get a sunburn in the middle of winter!!! And for the foreseeable future it is more heat on the way, I’m going to have to get some umbrellas for up here…(for the montagritas of course)

Let’s go womens!!!

Reminder - April 13-17. One Womens has already bought her airplane ticket!

clm + possible friend from NorCal
Meg S.
Andy (tentative)
Ashlea, Jessie and Morgan

Just bought my airplane ticket😎


Hi Cathy,

I am bummed as I won’t be able to join all you fabulous ladies this year. A meeting got moved to the 15th and need to travel 14 - 17 for it.

Have a blast and say hello to the boys for me!

Be well and extraordinary,
Meg Shea

Hi Cathy,

I am bummed as I won’t be able to join all you fabulous ladies this year. A meeting got moved to the 15th and need to travel 14 - 17 for it.

Have a blast and say hello to the boys for me!

Be well and extraordinary,
Meg Shea

Ah shoot, sorry to hear that. But I understand about work schedule changes!!

Hi Monty,

I hope this finds you and your family well. I was planning on joining you all for the Spring like conditions, however, a meeting in SF is standing in the way. Will have to catch you the next time around.

Be well and extraordinary,
Meg Shea

We are all doing well Meg, thanks for asking. And the entire brood(including aunt Marty) should be out for this years camp. Sorry you will not be making it, I’m working on a big surprise I hope to have ready for the womens this year. More about that later……


Are we doing a gear swap this year?

I’m bringing items.

I’m not brining items, but those who want to, feel free.
Shoot me a message/email on when you are going to arrive.

April 13-17.

clm + possible friend from NorCal
Andy (tentative)
Ashlea, Jessie and Morgan

I plan to arrive around noon on Wednesday.

Andy (tentative)
Ashlea, Jessie and Morgan

What about Wyatt?
I think the earliest I can get over the hill is Friday early morning – don’t leave for a ride without me, if possible!

I’ll be thinking of everyone this weekend - wish I could join you! With luck a vastly improved employment situation will allow me the opportunity next year! :slight_smile:

Ladies! I’ll be managing the ST Road Show in Santa Barbara on Saturday.
I had some goofy idea I’d have time to come visit you all beforehand, but I’m not organized enough to manage that.

Please post pics and blog links so I can vicariously live through you!

What about Wyatt?
I think the earliest I can get over the hill is Friday early morning – don’t leave for a ride without me, if possible!

Ha. Yes, Wyatt too.

I’ve posted some pictures here: https://www.instagram.com/ironclm/


Let the fun begin!


(Gross, you’re a Predators fan. :wink: Sincerely, a Detroiter)