What is your schedule?

So what is your day like? I’m interested to see other people’s schedules on a daily basis.

Depends how many office appointments I’ve got for the day. It can be quite variable. Some days I’m busy and other days I can hang around the forum.

Today or in general? Allow me to enter rant mode.

Today: (as of 12:00 am)

2:00 am. Bed

6:30 am. Wakeup, bfast, clothing, make lunch etc.

7:00 am. Study

8:00 am. Lab and classes

12:00 pm. Lunch study and complain about schedule

1:00 pm Classes

5:30 pm Mini Break

6:00 pm Classes

8:00 pm Dinner

8:30 pm Lab for classwork

No swimming this morning. HW takes precedence always.


Up @ 0530

Shower, dress, pack food for the day

Out the door @ 0600

Start work @ 0630

0900 snack

1100 lunch

1400 snack

1500 leave work

1530-1630 or 1700 work out

1800 dinner

2000 snack

2130 bed

rinse and repeat!!

Obviously it can vary…but this is typical:

7am - Wake Up
8am - Be at work (breakfast)
11:30am - Workout
1:00pm - Back to work (lunch)
5:00pm - Go home
5:15pm - dinner, do stuff around the house, hang out with wife and 2 kids
8:30pm - Hopefully get my 2 yr. old to bed
9:00pm - No really, get my 2 yr. old to bed
9:00pm-11:00pm - Read, play computer games, play board games, make lunch for tomorrow, pack workout clothes
11pm - Bed

Man…I’m boring.

7am wake (Sh*t, shower, shave)
8am walk to work. (downstairs to home office)
11:30 - 2 hrs for swim, bike, or run workout
1:30 back to home office
4:00 Kids home. Play w/ kids
6:00 2 hours for evening workouts
9:00 to 11:00pm - Laptop open in front of TV catching up on work, etc.

Love it. Hope this job lasts forever.

0600 Wake Up

0615 - 0800 Morning Workout session

0830 - 1130 Work

1130-1330 Afternoon workout session as required

1330 - 1700 Work (Lunch at my desk)

1800-2100 Home/Family Time

2130 Bed



5:00 Up, swim or gym

7:00 breakfast, read papers

9:00 Ride or Run

12:00 shower change

1:00 at work, write radio news update

2:30 News editorial meeting

3:30 Write for 6p show, tag spots do a little editing

6:30 Shoot news talent doing snappy standups

7:00-11:00 Write for show edit promos, badger reporters and techs

In bed by midnight.

During max training time, which was this past summer:

Up at 5:30am and training before 6am
Finish training around 7:30am and have a quick shower.
Feed daughter while wife trains for an hour
Leave house at 8:30am and go surfing/bodyboarding until 10am
Get to work at 10:15am and work until around 6pm (wife and I own a bodyboarding retail website)
Home for dinner with wife and daughter
Put daughter to bed at 8pm and watch TV/surf the net until 10 or 11pm

Now, in the off season, workouts are a smaller, so up at 6:30am for a one-hour workout before all of the above.

Today will be a pretty typical day:

4:55: alarm goes off - I go and get my wife, who’s sleeping with our three year old since the middle of the night, so she can come back to our bed to be with the one year old.

5:45: on the trainer - back-to-back Spinervals - Big Gear Strength, followed by Bending Crank Arms

7:40: in shower

8:10: leave house

8:30: arrive at work (CT/MRI technologist at private medical office)

12:00: go to gym for chest/back/core workout (45 minutes)

1:05: back at work

4:30: leave work

4:45: stop to pick-up dinner supplies

5:00: arrive home, greet children/wife

5:05: prep/cook dinner while my wife exercises

6:15: eat dinner (tonight is braised chicken with tomatoes and olives over cous-cous or pasta - haven’t decided yet)

7:00: handle bath-time with kids while my wife cleans up dinner mess

7:30: playtime with kids, while straightening-up, doing laundry, etc.

9:00: story time w/ kids

9:30: lights-out

M & F are 4:00 a.m. wake up call to be at the center to teach 5:45 class.

T is 5:00 a.m. wake up call to be at 7:00 a.m. business partner meeting.

daily schedules vary with appointments and all…some days the office appointments begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m., others begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. others i schedule no appointments for recapture/recovery time.

normal training schedule is minimum 90 minutes daily.

Watch an episode or two of Supernanny. She’ll tell you how to cure the kids of sleeping in mommy and daddys’ bed!

Today =
0530 - up
0540 - ride to pool
0600-0730 - 6km swim
0745-1730 - work
1800 - 10km run and drills
1930 - eat
2000 - 2145 - chill/core work/play guitar/admin/pack bag for tomorrow
2145 - read/update training diary/listen to music
2215 - lights out
2300-ish - sleep…hopefully

Pretty much the same during the week unless I’m away for business. BTW, 29 & single.

5:00am - wake up to g/f’s alarm.

7:00am - wake up my alarm.

8:30am - get to work.

1:00 (some days) - masters swim.

4:30pm - leave work.

Workout times vary from 5:45pm to 10:30pm, depending on the day and discipline/specific workout. I like to swim late, for some reason. Thursdays are my day off from training.

9pm to 11pm - bed.

So far today:

5:30-6 AM - Wake up, eat small breakfast, hydrate

6:00 - 6:37 AM - Run 5 miles

6:45 AM - Eat larger breakfast, shower, get dressed, putter around

7:30 AM - Go to work

8:00 - 11:30 AM - Pretend to be working while slacking off on the internet

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM - Lunch break

12:30 PM - Present - Resume slacking off

Thanks, but no cure needed. Having your one-year old little girl stir in the middle of the night, reach out to hold your arm, and then settle back to sleep is far from a disease…

here’s today, and most days are similar with different workouts

Up at 5:45 or 6
6-7:30 - swim
7:30-8:45 - shower, eat, check email, news, etc.
9-5:30 - work, check ST forums (usually eat lunch while I work)
6 - team swim (if team workout is at 8 Ill run before)
7:30 - team dinner (though typically Id run afterwards)
8:30-10:30 - miscellany (dinner if I ran, watch TV, etc.)
10:30 - asleep

Tom, I think you need to post your day too.


5:03 Wake up

5:10 Let horses out, feed dogs, make sure sheep are ok

6:00 Workout: Swim or Run or Weights or combo

7:00 Shower

7:30 Work

12:00 Mid-day work out (swim or run) or not

3:30 to 4:00 Leave

4:15 Home

5:00 Run or Bike

6:30 Dinner and relax

10:00 Bed

Understood. If it works for you, that’s terrific!

wow, we’re all very similar especially in that we never have time for rest. Amazing- no down time. I guess I like it that way but it makes for a lot of busy days in rapid succession.