Ralph's Half IM - Worth Doing?

I’d like a race early in the season to keep me motivated during the winter. I can stay for free in a family condo on the water in Laguna Beach for a week ot 10 days after Ralph’s which will make it a very cheap family vacation. That will be nice in March after 5 months of bitter Wisconsin winter. But, it really does not seem like a very appealing race - little area entertainment (aside from San Diego stuff), weather can suck, not particularly scenic from what I can tell from pix, etc.

Opinions? Comments from the crowd that has done it?

I like the race personally. But, I like the area and I like the beach, both of which have their pros and cons. There are some great restaurants in the area and if you are up for a day trip there is a great wine region 45 - 60 minutes away in Temecula.

As for the race itself, I really like it. The Marines always have the best volunteers on the bike course, very energetic and uplifting. They also put on a great race in July - Camp Pendleton Tri if you are interested.

The run on the strand is nice since there are spectators pretty much along the whole course. You are right though, the weather can be up in the air, though even this year with the rain and wind I still enjoyed it. In previous years the wind on the run helped to keep things cool.

I really like the race, have done it three years in a row, and will likely do it again next year. Even after I move back to Ohio I will still plan on possibly doing this race. Depends on the boss, er um, wife.

Not to hijack this thread, but does anybody know how soon this race fills up? I’m just starting to think about next year and since I live about 20 minutes from Oceanside I’m thinking about signing up for this race.

I think this year was the first year I remember it selling out, but it was not until January. But like most races, the fees go up the closer you get to the race. I think the next hike in price in around October, so you might want to save yourself $20 and sign up now.

The Marine base is actually very nice scenery, very green and not alot of civilization believe it or not.

Half the run is along the beach and the other half is up one block next to some beach homes.

I don’t get what you mean by “little entertainment”. You would be right in the middle of southern california and since you’re bringing the family… ummm disneyland… + something like three other theme parks and zoo’s etc.

The weather was bad for 2005 but this is San Diego and you can count on good weather 95% of the time.

I signed up back in July. I live in San Clemente, and I’m doing my first HIM in Davis next weekend, and thought I just couldn’t miss the chance to do this race happening so close to home on a bike course that I do much of my training on, a swim course that I surf next to, and a run course that some of my friends live along. The bike through Pendleton in March is nice. Uncrowded roads, rolling green hills, ocean views. Beats Wisconsin in winter!!! Plus, it’s a Kona qualifier, not that I have a snowball’s chance in hell of qualifying, but just adds to the excitement for me. If you’re in Laguna, there’s plenty of restaurants, bars, etc. and for the kiddies, Disneyland is 40 minutes from Laguna, and Legoland is 20 minutes south of Oceanside, so there’s plenty for them to do while you’re racing/training out here. Plus, LA (Unversal Studios, Hollywood, Venice Beach, etc.) is all about an hour away from Laguna. Plenty of entertainment! O’side is just 30 minutes south of Laguna too.
Hope to see you at the “Ford California 1/2 Ironman” as it’s now called. Get ready for some cold, dark days training this winter!

I think there are a couple thousand spots left.

Any other helpful comments?


Just do it…

Maybe I’ll see you and encourage you too, along. The first race went past my home, down the road. Beautiful scenery, nice weather, cool people. You can’t ask for more; I’ll vouch for that.

Register before you lose your chance.

  • kd

It was my first 1/2 this year… when I crossed the finish line, I told a friend, “I’m never doing this again.” It was rainy, cold and just not a good day for me.

If the weather is nice, it’s a nice course… the bike heads up the coast and then comes back on the base where there are rollers and then a couple hills. The run is along the beach, and aside from the guys blaring “Eye of the Tiger” over and over and over and over again, everyone was supportive and fantastic.

Oh, by the way, every day since I said I wouldn’t do it again, I’ve been thinking about doing it again… but I think that’s the sport itself more than this race.

I enjoyed participating in the event last year. I stayed at the host hotel/condo and since it was cold and raining on race morning, I sat on the balcony dry and warm watching prior waves of athletes take off, then 5 minutes before my wave, I walked down and started in my wave. So, if you go, I highly encourage you to stay at the host hotel/condo. 6 of us (3 couples) stayed there with plenty of room. Also, a coffee shop is just 100 yard walk from the venue.

Almost no contact on the swim due to the large number of start waves and large harbor swim area. Bike is hilly, but very scenic and little to no traffic once you are on the military base. The traffic getting to and from the base (first 3 to 4 miles) during the event is another story. There are at least 2 small ring climbs on the bike route. A few walkers on these climbs. Lots of flat tires. Rumored in the 100’s. The recent rains pushed a lot of gravel and debree across the roads. I didn’t have a flat but counted roughly 50 or so people stopped. SAG support was really good from what I heard from those that flatted.

Run was easy for a half IM because the temperature was mild and the rains had stopped by the run start for most athletes. Some puddle jumping was required. I particularly like twice out and back run courses because I mentally break the run into roughly four 5k runs to make it seem shorter.

Not a great venue for spectators as there is nothing to do during the race except walk around the beach and only athletes are allowed on the military base. The community doesn’t really rally around the event like small town half IM events do. As a matter of fact, the Denny’s at the race venue was robbed at gun point during the event this year. So, people around there really just go about their daily lives as if there was no big deal to a half IM being hosted in their community. Which is really what I would expect anyway, in events in and around a large city. The day after the race, we changed hotels to be closer to San Diego so that we could find something to do.

All in all, the event and venue for the athlete is great. For spectators and significant others, its just another triathlon…

It’s a good early season race. Pretty competitive field throughout. I go every year, either to race or volunteer. Probably race in 2006.


San Diego rarely get the weather of last year. I’ll be racing there for my first time this year as the date fits perfectly for my training schedule for IM CDA. You will love the sun after a dark Wisconsin winter!

Also, if you are trying to get a spot into any North America Ironman, this event has the best roll-down chances. Last year they offered 25 spots into each NA Ironman. There were less than 100 athletes that even showed up for the rolldown and only about 35 wanted in Lake Placid and Canada. So they started w/ the best times in each age group for the rolldown. You litterally could of walked this half IM and received rolldown entry. There were actually spots left open for some of the Ironman events.