100 runs in 100 days 2008-2009 Official Thread with Rules, Questions and Smacktalk

Actually, I’ve never entered a marathon more than 3 weeks in advance so I’ve never done a marathon preparation training block. With my absolute hatred of running on a treadmill and the crappy winter we had there were few opportunities to do any speedwork sessions so I did all volume and not much intensity. Now that the weather is better I’m doing some quick sharpening and then racing so it is a mystery to me how it will turn out.

Today I ran twice. One was 8.5km with the highschool kids that I coach including some 200m repeats on the track and one was a 7.5km run with my wife at a nice easy pace. Sorry Dev, the day off will come when I start my Boston taper :slight_smile:

Old habits die hard, I ran twice today (hanging his head in shame…) :slight_smile:


Just keep running every day and after awhile it just becomes part of you daily routine.

I should have scheduled a 300K bike ride with 4xWhiteface for all you jokers who could not take a day off running today. That would have been a solid 12 hour ride and not left much time or energy for a run.

On a positive note, I met with the orthopedic surgeon and the fibula has healed in place and now it is just a matter of working the soft tissue through rehab. When asked, “When can I start trying to run?”, he replied “What are you waiting for…get out there”. Anyway, once I can capable of walking downstairs without pain, I will start running. Today at the pool I was finally able to kick properly and to experiment, I even used Speedo Zoomer fins without pain…that was huge progress over my first swim 15 days ago, when I thought my foot would detach from the rest of my leg!!!

I should have set up the “do not run on March 25th” challenge !

this was the first year that I didn’t do a true 100/100 i.e. run 100 days in a row. The past two years I did the 100 in a row and I know how addictive… I mean “part of your daily routine” it can become :wink:


“What are you waiting for…get out there”

That’s just the politically correct way to say HTFU.

hey I am away for work, what else am I going to do?
Seriously, this was a planned big week so no need to alter the plan just cause the challenge is over (same way as I tried not to alter the plan during the challenge.

Glad to hear the recovery is going well!


Questions for the JD/Lore People: What zone/pace should I be targeting Brick runs? Easy/Long feels, well, too easy hehe :slight_smile: I am thinking maybe splitting the difference between Easy and Marathon. What’s your thoughts?

EH, there is no rest for the wicked :wink:

12.6 mi this morning, no running tomorrow though.

no kidding!
I have a big weekend scheduled this weekend and then a rest day on monday!
Good luck with your race this weekend!


Taking a pretty lazy week here. Third day in a row off from running, and my toe and calf are thanking me for it. (bmanners isn’t the only one here who runs with a calf.) I’ll probably be running my own time trial for the Virtual 5k on Saturday. Should be interesting to see how I do on the same course as my last 5K, but with better pacing, more rest, and hopefully none of the minor pain issues.


I’ll post the results early next week. We’ve got a photo finish for first place so far.

Just got in from an out-of-town business trip at about 2:30 this morning. Yesterday was packing, conference wrap-up, and traveling with a several long waits for the next connection so I didn’t run. I got my 100 in on Tuesday morning and celebrated with a longer run Tuesday evening that I didn’t get to log until just now. Both of those were on the hotel treadmill. The 99th run on Monday was the real capstone though. The conference was in Philadelphia, so just before dawn I ran up the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum, like Rocky. I may try to get some kind of a 5k in this weekend for Charlie, I’ll see how it goes. Thanks Dev, and everyone!

PS: For some light reading during the trip, I picked up a copy of “Lore of Running” by T.Noakes. :slight_smile:

Questions for the JD/Lore People: What zone/pace should I be targeting Brick runs? Easy/Long feels, well, too easy hehe :slight_smile: I am thinking maybe splitting the difference between Easy and Marathon. What’s your thoughts?

If you mean running at the average pace of easy and marathon pace (e.g. 7:30, 6:30 => 7:00), the answer is no. You’d fall in a grey zone in which your run will take a toll without ripping all the possible benefits of running a faster pace).

If you mean doing parts of your long run at marathon pace and the rest at an easy pace, the answer is yes. You could build progressively to doing the second half of your long run at marathon pace.

Not replying to Alex, just in general.

Stop posting on this thread…its over, done …take your days off and move on. Come back to the 2009-10 edition on Dec 15th 2009. Thanks for playing everyone.

Rappstar, please “unstick this thread” :slight_smile:

OK, I am violating my last post in this thread. Just wanted to report into to the “campers” that after breaking my ankle and going on a 5 week running hiatus, I resumed running 9 weeks ago. Today I crossed the 1000K mark for 2009 during the Ottawa half marathon…pretty windy day and times for many were slower. I was only 22 seconds slower than last year. This was the A event I was gunning for over the 100/100 and hoping to go 1:20.xx. I had some good 5 and 10K events in May and thought I was in 1:22 shape. I am now running 100% pain free, on 40-70 K per week of mileage, focused more on intensity than volume (my longest run since starting back was exactly 1:22 today and last weekend, and longest run during 100/100 was around 1:30), coupled off course with bike training with some of it on powercranks

Just thought I would share:


Nice Run in tough conditions and breaking 1000km to boot!
I just missed breaking 3hrs 3:00.53! Pretty happy with that considering the heat and wind.
But that is an 8min marathon PB, who says the 100/100 run challenge doesn’t work!
PS: thanks for ignoring me in the finish area, I had gone back to see my friend finish his first half marathon and was waiting right at the entrance to the recovery area, you walked right by I said “Hey Dev” and you just kept going, it is not like you had just run a marathon or something! :wink:

Good job on the half. You really stayed on your fitness during your injury. As someone who has dealt with numerous foot injuries surgeries in my 40 years of running here are my thoughts on why you came back so quick. You were in strong shape from skiing and running prior to the injury and you got back on the bike as soon as able.You have strong drive which is a double edged sword with injury and the last thing is you got complete rest which is hard to get when you race at some sport year round. Sometimes races like this have more meaning than if everything goes perfect.


I’m still in running mode. Can I have points for a 4/6 double today, they were both over 30 min :wink:


Also I still haven’t taken a day off. Today was day 541 in a row. I’m approaching a year and a half of running every day. Why? Still not so sure.


Interesting. Eight men 40-44 in top 25. Three men 30-39 (two age groups!) in top 25.