100 runs in 100 days 2008-2009 Official Thread with Rules, Questions and Smacktalk

I’m 2 for 2. Hoping to lose about 12 lbs to get down to 135 (5-9). At the end of marathon season this fall I felt great at 140.

When I run to work with my laptop, clothes and lunch it is 15 extra pounds…add 8 layers of winter run clothes and shoes and that is 20 extra lbs…that puts me up to a whopping 140+20=160…I really don’t know how you big guys haul all that bulk around and go so fast!

You must be getting old Dev. I remember from last year you said you were carrying an extra 15lbs and it wasn’t slowing you down at all. It really pissed me off too Now I feel better :slight_smile:

I haven’t been 160 since grade 11. I am carrying an extra 50 lbs… maybe that is why a good run for me is a 6:20/km pace.

2 for 2 so far. I’m hoping to drop my run time down and go sub 90 min on the run at vineman half in a couple months.

**I’m hoping to drop my run time down and go sub 90 min on the run at vineman half in a couple months. **

Isn’t that in the middle of summer? How much time do you have to drop?

I am in and 2-2 so far. I was planning to do a run focus this winter with ~5 runs each week, but this challenge will motivate me to get out the door for an easy 30 minutes on my non-running days. 14 weeks of adding 1 or 2 of those runs a week should be a nice bump in my mileage.

At some point in this challenge I am going to head over to the track and run that 400 I owe you from the Geb challenge. I am headed home next Tuesday for Christmas and there is a track about 1 mile from my folks house. On the way home on one of my easy runs over vacation I plan to jog by the local high school and do that 400 I owe you. I’ll report back sometime next week or the week after. Thanks for setting this up.

Do less than 30 minute runs need to be seperated by an hour to add to 30 minutes? I am hoping to do 2 15minute runs AT the gym but my gym workout is likely on 30-40 minutes long today.


Has anyone asked the obligatory, “What is the conversion rate for intensive snow-shoveling to running?” question. I know we just got a half-foot of snow and shoveling it will likely eat into a bunch of the time that I have budgeted for running.


The conversion rate is zero. We give no credit for dead lifts either. Suck it up and shovel your snow and then go for you run. There are countless guys including myself doing the same…last year I did >1000K of running plus shovelling 14 feet of snow off my driveway. The shovelling will make you stronger. The moment they make you stop at aid station number 23 to shovel snow in Kona, then we will give you credit for snow shovelling in this challenge.

As I said earlier, no wonder Jimmy has such a hard time explainging the difference between 2 bike lengths back and 5 to triathletes…heck, half of you guys can’t even figure out what running is, how are you going to every figure out what drafting is.

I think I will need to invite Jimmy as head referee for this challenge. That should get rid of all the dumb questions around here!



In my defense, I knew the answer prior to typing. It seems every year somebody has to ask the question, this year, why not me?

I have no idea how far I will take the 100/100 this year. Last year I didn’t even try it. But I figured I could try to make a go of it. Last year I ended up running about 60 times in the period that you guys ran 100, so it really wouldn’t be that much more of a commitment to go a little more. I am sure I won’t make 100/100, but 85-90 is a possibility. I find that I need a break from time to time. Also, there will be days when I am at work for 48-72 hours…and our treadmill is on the fritz.

So I’ll figure I 'll sign up and keep track and see where it all shakes out.


Hey, I saw the pink and I know you were kidding, but I figure it was an opening for me to do my hourly/daily/weekly rant :slight_smile: :-). I agree about taking days off which is why there is the option of doubling up for those that want to still hit 100. The entire 100 thing is somewhat arbitrary…it just works out to over three months of getting running volume in by being consistent. It is just a virtual carrot to get us out the door on days when we would rather not.

It wasn’t really fair that only the Canadians got snow to play in for the first two days. Now it’s our turn in the Northeast to strap on the screw shoes and go.

Wind was 15-25 mph, so the dense little snowflakes were turning into anti-eyeball missiles.


I’m considering bailing on run #2 for this morning, and replacing it with snow shoveling (yes, I know, no credit for this) and a second cup of coffee.

Word of caution to fellow early morning runners: Don’t assume that driver sees you even if you are already in the cross walk and waving your arms to get their attention. I literally was missed from being hit while in the cross-walk by no more than 1". The dude blew straight through the Stop sign and nearly took me out.

I might have to start strategically placing some flashing lights on me. I guess my Neon Yellow Pullover with reflective pin stripping isn’t “easy” enough to see…

I find doing 50 yard build repeats up and down my driveway in yak trax pushing my ultra wide snow shovel a great way to warm up before a run. Technicaly it could be considered running as my feet are both in the air at the same time for a portion of the stride, expecially when the shovel hits a unseen block of ice :wink:

that’s when its nice to have something throwable.

I’m a treadmill bunny…

We’ve got 6" of snow here. Nice powder. I bet trukweaz is doing cartwheels

This morning: 10 mi in 74 min… the middle 8 in 58:16. Because I am just that fast.

that’s when its nice to have something throwable.

Throw a shoe! I hear it’s going to be the big thing in 2009.


I remember in 2007 when we did the “Run everyday in January” Challenge. I went 31/31 then. That was a lot of running for me. One of the things I learned about myself during that was that I need a day off every now and then. It is rare for me to even run everyday in a week. I usually go 5 or 6 depending on the schedule.

During that challenge, the standard was 20 minutes of continuous running to be counted. I remember one thing you said was that if you can’t figure out a way to get 20 minutes in then running isn’t a priority. I think that is mostly true. Since then, I have really evaluated certain things in my life. Performance-based training isn’t a priorty in my life, and I’m cool with that. But family, work, school, fitness, athletics, health and fun are priorities. So that is where I am at.

I am glad that I gave you the opening to get your daily rant out of the way!;^)


JaretJ v slowbern smackdown has to be fairly high up on the priorities list!

JaretJ v slowbern smackdown has to be fairly high up on the priorities list!

Mais bien sur! Of course, a guy can only take so much smackdown before he learns his lesson. jaretj is a machine. I am going on raw talent.
