Violence on Jerusalem's Temple Mount: Five Dead in Attack

Two Israeli policemen – both members of the Druze sect that Muslims consider outside of Islam – and the three Israeli Arab attackers:

2 Israeli Police Officers Killed in Attack in Old City of Jerusalem - The New York Times

The attack took place on the Temple Mount – considered sacred by both Jews and Muslims – in the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City neighborhood.

"In an extraordinarily brazen assault early Friday, three Arab citizens of Israel armed with guns and knives killed two Israeli police officers guarding an entrance to Jerusalem’s holiest site for Jews and Muslims, an emotional and volatile focal point of the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Security camera footage showed the armed assailants emerging to attack from within the sacred compound in the Old City of Jerusalem that Jews revere as the Temple Mount and Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. Police officers pursued the assailants, who fled back inside the compound and exchanged fire; all three assailants were killed.

The police identified the slain officers as Hayil Satawi, 30, from Maghar, an Arab town in northern Israel, and Kamil Shnaan, 22, from Hurfeish, also in the north. Israeli officials said both officers were members of the country’s small Druze community."

The stupidity of group think.

The stupidity of group think.

There aren’t very many reasons to go around killing people, and religion ranks probably at the very bottom of that list of reasons. It’s sad.

The stupidity of group think.

There aren’t very many reasons to go around killing people, and religion ranks probably at the very bottom of that list of reasons. It’s sad.

except that for the true fundamentalist believer, it might rank very high on the list.

The stupidity of group think.

There aren’t very many reasons to go around killing people, and religion ranks probably at the very bottom of that list of reasons. It’s sad.

except that for the true fundamentalist believer, it might rank very high on the list.

Yeah, that’s a real problem, I admit. I don’t know what we can do about it, either, short of outlawing religion altogether and then brutally enforcing that stricture.

I don’t know what we can do about it, either, short of outlawing religion altogether and then brutally enforcing that stricture.

You don’t have to outlaw religion, you have to outlaw stupid people who twist their religion to agree to their personal beliefs.