Help Wanted: Opportunities at Trek

Not that I know of.


bumping to the front page as we have added several openings to our careers page:

bumping to the front page as we have added several openings to our careers page:

Thanks Carl!

Carl Matson,

I have a huge interest in your internship program for the Mechanical Design Engineer-Mountain Bikes. I have applied online for this position and would like to follow up on my application for this position. I am a junior in the Mechanical Engineering Technology Program at the University of Cincinnati College. If there is any way I can directly message you and or get in touch I would appreciate your time.

Thank you,

Phillip Graham

Hi Phillip-

I’m part of the Road & Speed engineering group…you might be better off trying to link up (or in?) with someone in the Mountain group…like an engineering manager.

Carl Matson,

Thank you for getting back with me, I would be happy to link up with someone in the Mountain Group. Would you be able to refer me to someone who would be able to help me out in this division?

Thank you,
Phillip Graham

Hi Phillip-

I’m part of the Road & Speed engineering group…you might be better off trying to link up (or in?) with someone in the Mountain group…like an engineering manager.

Those keywords, plus Trek, work equally well in a Google search and on Linked-In :slight_smile:

Hi Carl,

Is Trek currently hiring interns for summer 2015? I am a current business student at Marquette Univeristy majoring in Finance an Marketing. I am an avid triathete with a passion for multisport and bikes.

Thank you,
Alex Stuckart

Hi Alex-

Our careers page is usually pretty up to date. I see a few intern positions there right now, though only one which might have elements suited to your current studies (the int’l trade and logistics intern). And there’s nothing stopping you from submitting a general application via the link on the same page…who knows…Finance and/or Marketing may decide tomorrow/next week/next month that they need an intern and you’ll already be in the system waiting for them.

Hi Carl,

I am an entry-level Mechanical Design engineer, with over a years worth of experience in product design and manufacturing, and I am interested in three of the engineering positions posted on the careers page: 1) B-cycle Design Engineer 2) CNC Machine Programmer and Operator 3) Mechanical Design Engineer - Mountain Bikes . I have applied to each of these positions within the last week but I wanted to follow up with my application to see if it has been processed yet. I left a message for Casey Birschbach in the HR department and have not heard back from him yet, am I better off contacting someone inside the engineering design department directly? Any help and/or insight on what measures can be taken to follow up on these applications would be great. Thanks!

Adam Saban
Design Engineer

Hi Adam-

As I’m not part of any of the groups which have the open positions you listed I don’t know how they interact with Casey to receive and review applications nor what their timeline is (i.e. are they trying to fill quickly, or are they trying to queue up a bunch of applications in anticipation of openings due to people moving on, etc). Casey is the guy.


Thanks for the reply, I will follow up with Casey regarding the application process.

Adam Saban
Design Engineer

Thanks for the information Carl. I submitted a general application yesterday.


Carl, having briefly looked at the web link, I don’t note any positions in Australia. Would there be a separate Aus-based Trek site that I could peruse regarding vacancies please?

Many thanks for your valuable time.

Best regards,

nothing there right now it seems. if you’d like to get on their radar you could always shoot a note via the customer feedback form at

Bump for any interest in current openings…also with new link to same. Good luck!

Definitely interested in both engineering positions. Should I just apply or send you a PM with my background as a “pre screen” first?


My part in the process is pretty much limited to keeping this thread alive & current. That said, feel free to shoot me a PM with anything you think is important and we can go from there. Cheers!

Bumped for new content and an updated careers page link.